Is it wise to...


Place a Cleaner Shrimp with a Coral Banded Shrimp. 46gbf 50+lbs live rock 40lbs live sand. lfs has good deal on the cleaners and i always wanted one. cbs is very cryptic...always hiding under rocks. has anybody done this? thanks in advance for your posts!


New Member
The CBS can be very territorial...but I have both and they kinda fought at they hang out on the same rock.

bang guy

Once the CBS matures it will seek out the Cleaner during its molt and eat it. It may take a year or two but it will happen.


:scared: thanks for answering that for me. i guess i'll just wait a few years till my cbs parishes :thinking: . thanks again! :happyfish


New Member
The world of SW never ceases to amaze me. I've had both together for about 2 I guess it's only a matter of time. I've also been able to keep a Lion Fish in a reef tank and it not kill anything....its luck of the draw I guess.
They are wild animals and you'll never know what they're going to do.


Active Member
When I first introduced a CBS, I thought he would get picked on...2 days later He caught a LARGE hermit in Mid-Molt and devoured him...