is my candycane coral ok?


I got it perty cheap becaue this is what it looked like when i got it.
What should i feed it. Last night when the tenticles were out i squirted some brineshrimp on it and it seemed to eat. Should i also squirt some microvert on it?

bang guy

Mysis shrimp or minced seafood IMO.
It's really unhappy but I've brought worse back to healthy. I got one last month that was just a bit of tissue way down in the head and it came back.


I got one that the tissue had receeded down all the heads so you could just see a little bit and it is coming back great, even two heads that you couldn't see any tissue. The one I had was light deprived for awhile. It's doing great under halides. I also basted it with brine shrimp for a while.