Is My Clownfish dying?


Maybe he is just pulling a Nemo and trying to get to that porcelin express. What he dosent know is the filters and generators thatare going to chop him up to bits before he gets to the ocean.
Sad but true ...

I will mark this day as the first and hopfilly last fish I ever lose. With the help from you guys that may happen. Who knows.

reef junky

Fish loss is very unfortunate, but it usually happens to everyone who takes on this hobby. It is just a part of the process. I really wish there was a way to avoid it, but I guess you live and you learn.
I had a fish bring in a disease once and wiped out 5 of my most expensive fish. I lost one fish each day over a week and it was heart wrenching. :nope:


Yes there are ... When you use the bathroom and you flush the water is sent into many fliters and genorators to clean "most" of the "disposed waste" up. Thats why I dont drink tap water. It is recycled water. I didnt know this until I was watching Finding Nemo with my uncle who works for Waste Managment. He told me this and what everything goes thru before it is sent back into the great wide ocean. Isnt indrusty great?


Active Member
awesome, when i first started my tank my mom saw my blue damsel fighting with the other so she took it out and flushed it alive


Active Member
i would never dig a whole for my fish.. my dogs will just dig it up and ill find it dead in my room again. i dont think im saying stuff to make it seem like im smoking.. maybe u are and ur just seeing things?


You guys are funny ... I dont know I rememeber when I was a kid I won a fish at a carnival and it died of course , but I didnt do anything about it. I just let it decompose in the lil jar I had it in until like two months later my mom found it and threw it out.
Now I will most likley just flush it down the toliet. It rains so much here latley if I burry it in my back yard it will just come back up for the local stray cats to eat. I do have a inside cat and she sits and stares at the tank for hours trying to figure a way in without getting wet. If its not flopping around she wont eat it.
Losing this fish is really bothering me. Its not the money thing. I think it is that a living creature depended on me to keep it alive and I failed. I guess everyone goes thru this. Maybe.
Enclosed is my picture of Brina watching the damsels frolic.


OMG ... you guys really need to get a grip. I was enjoying what you guys had to say up intil you started screaming at each other. You guys would do well working together , everyone likes that Siskal and Ebert thing. Think about that.


Active Member
The anemone should be 2-3 times bigger (diameter) as the clown, and more for 2. That could be the reason why the bigger pushed him out. Probably not why he is dieing.

bang guy

Wocka & Reef Junky
If I ever see a display like that again I will recommend both of you be banned permanently. Take that stuff somewhere else, it's not welcome here.


Active Member
ok sorry but he should be in more trouble since he started it and i was defending myself. wont happen again


Active Member
djbabylove...if he is still alive, turn all the lights off and try not to disturb him. Usually when a fish is lying on the sand like that he will die, but sometimes they will make it. Just try to make it as stress free for the fish as possible.