Is an actually a Store


New Member
Does anyone know if is an actually store? I was searching the yahoo yellow pages and found an address a number but it went to voicemail. If it is a store does anyone know the hours of operation? Thank you in advance.

sinner's girl

it's a real place, you just can't get in touch with them by phone, try email


click the "Coming Soon!" button on the elft of the page
I believe opening a store is a near-future dream of theirs....unless that button is outdated >_<


Active Member
No, they do not have a store front, to my knowledge. There has been plans to do so for quite a whle now in Florida.

sinner's girl

sorry, I thought they had opened a store in FL. shipping's not really free...$9.99 surcharge and 2.99 fual charge, plus min order of 79 (before charges and tax), but from what I hear it's a better deal than else where.
I've order inverts but not fish from here, I like to hand pick my fish. but the local selection sucks so I may get a fish or 2 with my next order.
repeat custormers do get a free item


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
sorry, I thought they had opened a store in FL. shipping's not really free...$9.99 surcharge and 2.99 fual charge, plus min order of 79 (before charges and tax), but from what I hear it's a better deal than else where.
I've order inverts but not fish from here, I like to hand pick my fish. but the local selection sucks so I may get a fish or 2 with my next order.
repeat custormers do get a free item

The fuel surcharge is actually 6.99
I just ordered a few days ago, I have ordered many times and always been pleased.


Something I have always wondered is, are the Mods part of or just these message boards. And, how did they become mods. :notsure: Anyone know?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ray28576
I've always been charged $9.99 for my surcharge. :notsure:

Oops, I meant fuel surcharge. I'll do an edit and fix it though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ray28576
Something I have always wondered is, are the Mods part of or just these message boards. And, how did they become mods. :notsure: Anyone know?

The mods are just a part of the message boards. I've wondered how they become mods also.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
I figured there was originally one mod and they just keep spliting like a BTA!

That's a good one!


Active Member
Mods are not in any way affiliated with We volunteer time. Mods are selected mostly due to how they participate and interact on the boards, and to some extent experience. New mods are selected by current mods again based on determining how helpful people are on the boards, participation, and "expertise" based on certain needs.