Is sunlight supply or cooltouch mh any good?


Hi, I found a couple deals on dual 175 watt retro kits. One deal the balast brand is by Sunlight supply that I'm leaning to. The other is by Cool touch, but that ones electromagnetic. I dono if that's electronic or magnetic? I just don't know which brand is better, or if either is any good. Anyone? Thanks in advance, Alison


Active Member
What's inside is all the same, meaning the ballasts inside the heat sink is the same on both. Sunlight Supply makes a MUCH BETTER heat sinkcase then Cool Touch or any of the other Mag ballast makers that I have seen..


Hi, thanks for the reply. Heat sink? You lost me. I'm just getting into mh's. I couldn't see anywhere where the sunlight supply one mentioned electronic or magnetic. What are clues so I don't have to keep asking if they don't mention. I want to go electronic for the noise and heat. Thanks, Alison


Active Member
I don't think either one you mentioned is electronic, wait! the Bluewave IV from SS is electronic.....
What noise? I've never heard my ballast make noise. If heats a problem just move the ballast outside, in the next room or in the garage.


Hi, thanks for your reply. I just started learning about mh's so this is all so new to me. The reason I was leaning towards electronic is everyone just says it's a little easier because of the lower heat issues, and some magnetic balasts, have a humm to them. That's what I meant. I'm just goin by what some say, so I dono. I found a deal on a 175W dual PS Metal Halide Retro Kit, nib It's a dual pulse start balast. Blue Wave 1 Pulse start balast, mogul base sockets set in stainless steel holder, made by sunlight supply, 5 year warrantee. For $229.00
Is that magnetic or electronic do you think? I'd have to buy the bulbs too. Should I do 10, 12 or 14k, and what's a good cheaper brand? Thanks, Alison



Originally posted by alison
what's a good cheaper brand?

first off the words cheap should never ever ever be used in this hobby.... dont ever buy cheap... youll end up pissed off somehow in the end.
i personally would buy elsewhere... *************** has some real nice stuff... youll spend a few more dollars, but in the long run it will be well worth it


Thanks, I'll have to check them out. Oh, and hey I think using the word cheap is ok in this hobbie. We have a diy forumn don't we? Cheap doesn't neccessarily mean bad. Sunlight supply I found out is a good brand, and is electronic balast, so I'll probably go with them. Thanks ~Alison



Originally posted by alison
Thanks, I'll have to check them out. Oh, and hey I think using the word cheap is ok in this hobbie. We have a diy forumn don't we? Cheap doesn't neccessarily mean bad. Sunlight supply I found out is a good brand, and is electronic balast, so I'll probably go with them. Thanks ~Alison

when refering to a namebrand cheap is a bad refrence tool to say, when i see the word cheap i think of junk.... i understand what your saying......, and i dont consider diy cheap when done right... however if it is a hack job it is cheap....


Active Member

Originally posted by alison
I found a deal on a 175W dual PS Metal Halide Retro Kit, nib It's a dual pulse start balast. Blue Wave 1 Pulse start balast, mogul base sockets set in stainless steel holder, made by sunlight supply, 5 year warrantee. For $229.00
Is that magnetic or electronic do you think?

That's a magnetic ballast


Now how do you know it's magnetic? I can never figure that out. Is their some sort of secret language for this or something? Thanks soooooo much for your help golfish. ~Ali


Active Member
Easiest way to tell is the price, too little (money wise) to be electronic.
Magnetic are not necessary 'bad' per say. They are a less costly way to add mh to your system. The major drawbacks is they are less power effecient 10% if i recall, and produce more ambient heat. They also will fire only certain bulbs. Personally I went with mag. ballasts purely for cost. Your not very limited on bulbs, many manufactures too choose from so seemed like a reasonable way to go. I figure I dont mind using an extra 40watts of power a day considering the cost difference. Besides I figure in a few years something new an improved will be out that will make me want to replace the lights anyway (like de mh bulbs).
BTW nothing wrong w/being frugal in the hobby. The trick is knowing what you can skimp on.


Active Member

Originally posted by alison
Now how do you know it's magnetic? I can never figure that out. Is their some sort of secret language for this or something? Thanks soooooo much for your help golfish. ~Ali

msd2 coverd it pretty well...I went with the mag ballast over the e-ballast because at the time I bought mine e ballast were not very reliable. They are better now but they still under drive the bulbs and IMO aren't worth the extra cost.
If I were you I'd take a look at the ARO E ballast from Hellolights. I use one of their VHO ballast. I think it cost me like 30.00 and drives 2x110 watt VHO's. I really like it for the price. The MH ballast are a little more but everybody I've talked to seems to love em. That ballast in the 250 watt flavore cost 105.00.
Here's another thought, if you really want to do it right get the PFO HQI from customaquatics for 199.99 and all the other fun stuff that goes with it.
FWIW, the PFO dual 250 watt standard ballast only cost 139.00 from CA...


Hi, thanks for your help guys, you really helped me out. But now I'm more confused than ever. 3 different lfs good stores told me that around here you can't do mh's in a house unless it's air conditioned! And my house isn't! They all said that I would have to go with a hanging system, or get a chiller if I went the mh way. My tank does run a little warm in the summer, but I just change up the light schedule and cut back a little, and no problems. They all said a 55 gal isn't large enough to do so, and not enough heat displacement. So then I looked into VHO's and was gonna do that and get 460 watts of that -4- 48 inch bulbs, but then I read a couple places it's half the brightness of pc's so now what?!!!! DANGIT Thanks in advance, ANY advice would be helpful. Thanks, Alison


Active Member
bs, I had mh over a 55 before. You may need to run a fan or 2 but its can easily be done. How hot are u talking when you say it runs warm in the summer? btw I keep my reef at 82.


Really! Cool. I was hopin someone would say that. I want mh's sooooo bad. I mean people in Florida without air conditioned homes have mh's! I didn't have fans this summer with my 220 watt pc's and it got up to 84 once, so I had to do the frozen milk jug trick a couple times. But I thought if I added fans, one suckin air in, one suckin it out, and maybe changin my lighting schedule around in the summer it might work.
Oh, did you have a air conditioned home or a somewhat enclosed canopy with the 55 gal. All advice helpful. I wanna modify my canopy to make the mh bulbs 12 inches from the water, and either remove the top or cut slits in it, and make 2 holes in the sides for 2 fans, one suckin in one suckin out. Thanks in advance, Ali



Originally posted by alison
Really! Cool. I was hopin someone would say that. I want mh's sooooo bad. I mean people in Florida without air conditioned homes have mh's! I didn't have fans this summer with my 220 watt pc's and it got up to 84 once, so I had to do the frozen milk jug trick a couple times. But I thought if I added fans, one suckin air in, one suckin it out, and maybe changin my lighting schedule around in the summer it might work.
Oh, did you have a air conditioned home or a somewhat enclosed canopy with the 55 gal. All advice helpful. I wanna modify my canopy to make the mh bulbs 12 inches from the water, and either remove the top or cut slits in it, and make 2 holes in the sides for 2 fans, one suckin in one suckin out. Thanks in advance, Ali

perfect... i run 2 mh over my ank... no ac... and my temp never runs over 80... the lfs just wantd your $$


I though so. THANK YOU GUYS! So you think if I modify the hood, I can use the hood, and not do a hanging fixture? My mom says she can come over and modify the hood for me. She is a cabinet maker as a hobbiest, and is really good, so this might just work ey? :) Thanks in advance, Ali


yup itll work! youll love the new lights,,, pendents are great for open top tanks but since you have a hood and want to use it.... just modify it...


Thanks, now I just have to find a deal and a good brand. The cheapest I know is one at *************** for 360$ with bulbs. It's a PFO brand 175W Dual Retro kit with the bulbs. I was thinkin 10k. Not sure of PFO for a brand though. I know Icecap, but can't find a deal anywhere for that under like 600$. You know any affordable places? Well, any reasonably affordable places or brands? Thanks in advance, Ali