Umm, well-I noticed on your profile it said that you have a 46 gallon. Do you want a preassembled fixture, or do you want to do it yourself? Doing it yourself would be cheapest. You will need an Icecap 660 which will run you about 180 bucks. Then you will need to buy endcaps which for 4 would run you about 20 bucks. Then, I'd buy 4 bulbs-that way you can get basically whatever you want. Get two 10,000k and two actinic bulbs that will cost you about 80 bucks or so. Maybe less maybe more. So you'd end up spending about 280-300 bucks. Doing that would give you 8 watts a gallon and then you could do WHATEVER you want. Or if you spend a little less, you could buy a hamilton system. However, you'd still need to supply the bulbs, so one 10,000k and one actinic would run you about 50 bucks. Then you'd have 190 watts and you'd have 4 watts a gallon, which would be enough for LPS, and softies, and a bubble tip anemone. You'd end up spending about 240 bucks with bulbs and everything. Its up to you...let us know what you decide.