is there anything wrong with this???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cherish life.
ok....just to let you know in this hobby....if ur 14 and have no money 30 bux is alot of money
You already have two tanks and are contemplating a third, and you're complaining about not having any money?


Active Member
Originally Posted by FlCandy
I had someone I know get told by a police officer taking sand is illegal and told him to put it back on the beach or he would be arrested. BTW it was dry.
And so you know all the beach sand is dredged sand and came from a reef. Doesnt matter what pollutants/nonpollutants are in the sand it is there because there is no such thing as a "private" beach. They are all owned by the federal govt. And water is not I have people I know do water changes with ocean water and they are fine.
Just warning you so no one gets arrested.
Sorry if anyone is pissed by this but I dont want a felony on me for damn sand I could buy in a LFS.

No doubt. But cops don't allways speak the truth. Or know it for that matter. Sometimes they rely on us not knowing for sure.
Definitely pollutants are a problem, that's not my point. I would not be afraid to take dry-dead sand, but wet-live sand is a little risky. If I did, it would come from 90'-120' under. Get out of the red tide district.


YES and get it on the boat so they cant see it but dont do it on the beach. I am a diver to so I know the rules and I mean why do it where people are alover and doing what people do (pollute)
to the sand.
I just wouldnt do it if you can get it from a LFS for 30 then drop the cash thats all ya know?


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Aaaahh. Poor hippo. Was that one of yours??? Did he pull through??

this was someone elses on this site. It happened a few months ago. The hippo DID recover and was doing well (the last I heard).
But it was definetly one of the more hysterical natural occurances Ive seen in a while.
Everyone was worried at first but the fishy pulled through and the clam had a small abrasion that later healed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FlCandy
YES and get it on the boat so they cant see it but dont do it on the beach. I am a diver to so I know the rules and I mean why do it where people are alover and doing what people do (pollute)
to the sand.
I just wouldnt do it if you can get it from a LFS for 30 then drop the cash thats all ya know?

I hear ya. Those little Bahamian kids throwing sand in bags next to the tourists throwing crap in the water still need to get paid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shrimpi
this was someone elses on this site. It happened a few months ago. The hippo DID recover and was doing well (the last I heard).
But it was definetly one of the more hysterical natural occurances Ive seen in a while.
Everyone was worried at first but the fishy pulled through and the clam had a small abrasion that later healed.
Mess with the clam and you'll get the shells. Crazier stuff has happened I'm sure. But to get it on film....priceless.


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
No doubt. But cops don't allways speak the truth. Or know it for that matter. Sometimes they rely on us not knowing for sure.
Definitely pollutants are a problem, that's not my point. I would not be afraid to take dry-dead sand, but wet-live sand is a little risky. If I did, it would come from 90'-120' under. Get out of the red tide district.

Hmm, as a cop (does that mean I'm lying) I'd say that if you ask enough people, sooner or later, someone will tell you what you want to hear.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 66chuck
Hmm, as a cop (does that mean I'm lying) I'd say that if you ask enough people, sooner or later, someone will tell you what you want to hear.
Not saying the cops are "lying" intentionally...per se. Just like saying you'll go blind if you keep playing with...... Get my point??


And sorry not to kick a dead horse but you are disrupting a habitat. Sea turtles need the sand for their eggs. If we all take sand from the beach there wont be anything for them to reproduce in. Just another tidbit of FL laws. I am a lifelong resident and one of the few natives. I have seen people arrested as well for these things.
IMO please dont do it. If you want to take the beach with you take a picture.


Originally Posted by Cherish life.
we went to a local island yesterday and i decided to save some money..
i brought home about 5 pounds live sand to fill my 6 gallon tank
is there anything wrong with this??? it is nice sand...and i sifted through it to make sure there was no nails or anything in it
Sifting through will not filter out bad bacteria. I would be very careful using it. 30 dollars for live sand is also the price of a nice clown fish. So you decide.


Besides they take this "live" sand from farms in the keys. It is ocean sand but it is farmed and collected by individuals who are licensed to do this. Why not support these people so we can all get healthy clean sand?


Active Member
Originally Posted by FlCandy
Besides they take this "live" sand from farms in the keys. It is ocean sand but it is farmed and collected by individuals who are licensed to do this. Why not support these people so we can all get healthy clean sand?

In response to 2 of your posts. I was born in Sanford,FL in 1963. Lived in Jacksonville, Pensacola, Big Pine Key, Orlando, Tampa, and now Zephyrhills.
What is the difference of taking a small amount of sand from the "dry beach" or the "collectors" taking live sand in these farms you speak of. I know for a fact that they "farm" LR and I have helped a few out before. It's actually taking dead limestone rock chunks from land and washing them a bit and putting them in the water. Usually 15-25' deep. Give them a year or less and voila---live rock.
I do not in any way, shape, or means, condone the removal of LR in any part of Florida waters by amatuers trying to save a buck. But you must remember that just because you are paying for someone to "grow and harvest" LR does not mean that it is disease free.
Support or not.


I am not saying you arent a local. Never did. Just saying that most people dont pay attention to the beach laws. And most of these people make sure it is CLEAN before they sell it. Have to. The difference between them and us taking it is that they are licensed for it. If you have a license more power to you but if not be prepared to get busted.
What about the turtles? Is this not their habitat? If taking from the ocean is disrupting habitat unless you have a license then taking from the beach is to just due to the law regulations on habitat destruction.
As an avid beach goer I would rather see the sand there on the beach for all than in someone's bucket going home for a tank. The lady I knew who did the water changes with ocean water never took sand from the beach/ocean due to this reason. It is illegal, just because it is not mentioned doesnt mean there isnt a law against it. Check on the stupid laws that say you cant walk

through you house or have $ex in any position but missionary. These are all active laws but cant be enforced due to them needing a warrant to get into the residence.
Sorry if I offended you but trust me a cop wouldnt lie about something like that because they felt like it. Trust the enforcers not the citizens. Thats all I have to say on this.
Have a nice day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FlCandy
I am not saying you arent a local. Never did. Just saying that most people dont pay attention to the beach laws. And most of these people make sure it is CLEAN before they sell it. Have to. The difference between them and us taking it is that they are licensed for it. If you have a license more power to you but if not be prepared to get busted.
What about the turtles? Is this not their habitat? If taking from the ocean is disrupting habitat unless you have a license then taking from the beach is to just due to the law regulations on habitat destruction.
As an avid beach goer I would rather see the sand there on the beach for all than in someone's bucket going home for a tank. The lady I knew who did the water changes with ocean water never took sand from the beach/ocean due to this reason. It is illegal, just because it is not mentioned doesnt mean there isnt a law against it. Check on the stupid laws that say you cant walk

through you house or have $ex in any position but missionary. These are all active laws but cant be enforced due to them needing a warrant to get into the residence.
Sorry if I offended you but trust me a cop wouldnt lie about something like that because they felt like it. Trust the enforcers not the citizens. Thats all I have to say on this.
Have a nice day.

No need to get all sexual and stuff.

As I said, I do not agree with folks willy-nilly taking LR or LS from the local waters. A bucket of dead sand on the beach is different IMHO.
Trust the enforcers??? For me, with a grain of salt. Trust my instinct and intellect a little more. Don't get me wrong, I respect the man. As long as he respects me as well.
screw really getting sick of people bashing me??? just got finished reading what every1 said....and grouper is the only one being a lil nice...dont say....the only reason is cuz grouper said what u wanted to hear....the only reason im saying this much cuz when people like FireRescue tell me something like that it just makes me wanna fricking throw up...i worked my ass off while my grandma was dieing just to be able to have a few fish....i think that if half of you knew what ive been through and how much our family needs some money you guys would truthfully understand.....
all that i am typing is coming from the heart and now i am p.o.ed.....
have a nice life if i die or sumthin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cherish life.
screw really getting sick of people bashing me??? just got finished reading what every1 said....and grouper is the only one being a lil nice...dont say....the only reason is cuz grouper said what u wanted to hear....the only reason im saying this much cuz when people like FireRescue tell me something like that it just makes me wanna fricking throw up...i worked my ass off while my grandma was dieing just to be able to have a few fish....i think that if half of you knew what ive been through and how much our family needs some money you guys would truthfully understand.....
all that i am typing is coming from the heart and now i am p.o.ed.....
have a nice life if i die or sumthin.

Chill, mi amigo. They shall go to bashing me instead. I can take it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cherish life.
screw really getting sick of people bashing me??? just got finished reading what every1 said....and grouper is the only one being a lil nice...dont say....the only reason is cuz grouper said what u wanted to hear....the only reason im saying this much cuz when people like FireRescue tell me something like that it just makes me wanna fricking throw up...i worked my ass off while my grandma was dieing just to be able to have a few fish....i think that if half of you knew what ive been through and how much our family needs some money you guys would truthfully understand.....
all that i am typing is coming from the heart and now i am p.o.ed.....
have a nice life if i die or sumthin.

Don't ask if there's something wrong with something and then get upset when some people say yes.


While I agree that some were not as nice as they could have been. Me maybe being one of them. You did ask a question though, and you did get answers. All of us like SW fish and the hobby, you included, when saying that it is illegal to take anything from the beach or telling you that it may not be a good idea because it could have a detrimental effect on your tank is just concerns for you, the hobby, and the natural enviornment. No one is meaning to "bash" you, when you ask a question to many people you will get many answers. Some you may not like, some that you may. You must keep in mind if asked by a police officer why you are taking live stock out of the ocean illegaly, saying im trying to save money wont change the law. Polutants are a major factor of life, it is hurting the enviornment and is everywhere. If polutants would destroy nature, why would it not destroy your tank and all of the inhabitants in it? Like I said, sometimes you may not get the answer you like, but everything should be took into account with something this important in your tank. No one is bashing, just giving oppinions.


Re-read some of the posts before you start cussing out everyone who has responded to your quary. My post was not bashing you in anyway/shape/form, I was merely stating that it would be wise to know if it were legal or not before you tried anything. I was looking out for your own good.
This is a site where reefers ask questions and where reefers give answers. If you do not want an answer/opinion, don't ask questions...