Is there too much rock in my tank



I am wondering if there is too much live rock in my 55 gallon tank? I was told the more the better and my wife loves the way it looks but is there such a thing as too much rock? I have about 100 pounds of rock. Thanks


Active Member
Personally I like less than that. So the water can flow pretty freely around and through all the rockwork.
Just my $.02


Active Member
IMO, Yes.
Take out about 20 lbs, and then you can create the same illusion by building tunnels and caves. Get creative. But this looks like the Great Wall of China.


Active Member
BTW...if you take any out, keep the purple lr in. And that peice up in the top far right is awesome. Use show pieces like that to make a great setup.


Thanks for your reply i think i will do that thanks for your advice im just starting up thank you verymuch


thanks for your advice there T316 I think i will do that im just starting up every little bit of info helps.thank you


Active Member
Originally Posted by daniandfella
thanks for your advice there T316 I think i will do that im just starting up every little bit of info helps.thank you
Looks like an awesome tank

Don't take it the wrong way, I was just answering your question about the rock, and that's only my opinion. Every setup is different, and if your wife likes it the way it is, then so be it. Like they say...."if mama ain't happy, nobody's happy".


thats right there, I did not take it the wrong way thanks for your advice T316 as long as shes happy thats all that counts


thanks for your advice there groupergenius im just starting up on this so if you could help me out with anything that you would do please let me know that would be AWSOME or anybody else with suggestions please let me know what things would be a good fit.THANK YOU EVERYODY.

matt b

Active Member
It dosent look to BAD IMO but you need to make sure there is enuf flow thru the rocks. The more rocks the better filter but if you look theres like no room for corals. I like aquascaping thinking of what corals are going where. I would take some out but you do NOT need to.


I was thinking the same thing as you were I think i have to much because i dont know were im going to put my corals and the flow of the tank so thank you so much there Matt if you could maybe let me know how much to take out that would be great.Thank you Matt for your suggestion and hope you could help me out with some other stuff too.Thank You Matt


Active Member
I agree, it doesn't look bad if this is the type of tank that you want, but the middle....above the two corraline encrusted rocks looks really jambed packed. Try taking some out, and rearranging the rock to allow more flow, and room for the fish to swim in and out. You may be surprised that you won't have too many pieces left over. Are you thinking about adding coral? You will need shelves for them to sit on. Otherwise, very nice start. Good luck with it.


Active Member
ultimately you are the one that has to be happy with it. I think as the coral is added this could make a beautiful reef wall biotope. As said just make sure that you have enough flow=circulation to ensure that there are no dead spots.
I like it, I can see possibilities.


Active Member
IMO I like less. If you go with a mass amount of LR make sure that there are caves for fish to go through and hide in, not just a solid wall.


Yours looks similar to our 55 before we moved into a 75. My husband loves tons of rock. And our tank was packed full. But since we moved to the 75 it is not as crowded. I like it better with more space but I have already caught my husband talking about getting more live rock. It looks bare he says
So I think it is just personal preference!


I think it looks great. Rule of thumb I have always read on this board is 1-2lbs per gallon. Looks like you could use about 10 more lbs :)
Of course I have 120lbs in a 60 so I might just like a lot of live rock. The bright side is when you upgrade to a bigger tank you are set on rock!