is this a good light


Current USA 36"Sundial T5 High Output Lighting 4X39 WATT
I have this in a 30"....I am VERY happy with it
I have not ever owned a Odyssea...when I researched them I was not happy with the reviews...


Active Member
a 36" 156w Current USA NOVA Extreme SLR (single light reflectors) is as low ball as you want to go. the "doctors" have it on sale for $165 right now. the odyssea is junk (bulbs, unreliable electronics, poor support) and is $90 for a reason.


Active Member
id rather pour bleach in my tank than buy another odyssea. but i dont like being electrocuted, maybe im a freak. id say fork over the money for a good fixture, because you get what you pay for.