Is this a purple monster?


well i could be wrong and i dont know where you got if from but i believe the famous Purple Monster came from one mother colony that some one stole from the ocean along time ago....and as it grows they frag it and sell it..... its getting alittle crazy these days with coral....pretty soon when you sell a frag you might need papers to prove lineage
BTW that is a nice piece though


The picture that Jugger posted is from Carlos's (Xtremaquatics) tank who lives down the street from me. I saw his tank last weekend and don't recall seeing a PM, but then its not the much to look at so I for sure missed it. I know he has one. Its probably a PM since him and Steve Tyree used to me partners. The true PM is purple with white polyps.
Bigred, your coral is not a PM



Originally posted by Bigred
Check the pic, also do you think I should frag it since it has the white spot?

Nope, doesn't look like one. Especially after seeing Steve Tyree's PM (original mother colony). From what I was told by Steve is that they grow about an 1" a year and that would be a good year.
Here is some more info on the purple monster.



Originally posted by jugger
i think this is the purple monster

Yup thats one :D


I'd hold on to it, Blue Torts are a dime a dozen. I know the PM isn't all that but its worth a lot and might get you some cool stuff in a few years.


Member must love living next to people like that....does he hook you up with frags every once in a while?? sounds and looks like he has a sweet tank


Carlos and Steve both live within 3-4 miles of me. I meet Steve about 4 years ago and Carlos about 15 months ago. Carlos is kind of the reason we live where we do. We were in the market for a new house, I came out to meet Carlos one day, like the area a little north of him and started looking the next week. I traded with Carlos just that one time.
Steve's a little harder to trade with. I think he wants 4 of your coral frags for one of his so I don't trade with him but I do trade with one of his sps farmers. Everybody and his brother is trying to keep sps out here, plus I know a LOT of people so I have access to pretty much anything I want. My goal is keeping stuff that nobody else has, that's almost impossible to do out here. But, I do have some corals that nobody else has, I think, I hope



Originally posted by jugger
..... its getting alittle crazy these days with coral....pretty soon when you sell a frag you might need papers to prove lineage

Could be true!



Originally posted by bigmac
Carlos and Steve both live within 3-4 miles of me. I meet Steve about 4 years ago and Carlos about 15 months ago. Carlos is kind of the reason we live where we do. We were in the market for a new house, I came out to meet Carlos one day, like the area a little north of him and started looking the next week. I traded with Carlos just that one time.
Steve's a little harder to trade with. I think he wants 4 of your coral frags for one of his so I don't trade with him but I do trade with one of his sps farmers. Everybody and his brother is trying to keep sps out here, plus I know a LOT of people so I have access to pretty much anything I want. My goal is keeping stuff that nobody else has, that's almost impossible to do out here. But, I do have some corals that nobody else has, I think, I hope

wow id love to see some pics of your tank...


Naw, I don't think you'd like to see my current tank. Its only been running 2 months so its loaded with every kind of bad alage you can think of. I have to sweet talk my wife just about everyday becuase its so ugly. It's kind of silly too, I've setup 7 SW tanks in the last 20 years. You'd kind of think she'd be used to it by now.
We bought a new house about 10 months ago, I was lucky enough to have a freind hold my corals for me. Here's a shot of the 150gal sps tank I took down last year.


Active Member
Do you heave any head on shots? I have seen the sides before, but I don't think that I have ever seen it from the front?


i went to see carlos last night and had store credit so i pick up a small frag of the tort and a couple other frags but thanks for the offer



Originally posted by bigmac
Naw, I don't think you'd like to see my current tank. Its only been running 2 months so its loaded with every kind of bad alage you can think of. I have to sweet talk my wife just about everyday becuase its so ugly. It's kind of silly too, I've setup 7 SW tanks in the last 20 years. You'd kind of think she'd be used to it by now.
We bought a new house about 10 months ago, I was lucky enough to have a freind hold my corals for me. Here's a shot of the 150gal sps tank I took down last year.

thats BEAUTIFUL!!! thanks for the eye candy



Originally posted by MEP
i went to see carlos last night and had store credit so i pick up a small frag of the tort and a couple other frags but thanks for the offer

why cant i live next to carlos???



Originally posted by 007
Do you heave any head on shots? I have seen the sides before, but I don't think that I have ever seen it from the front?