Carlos and Steve both live within 3-4 miles of me. I meet Steve about 4 years ago and Carlos about 15 months ago. Carlos is kind of the reason we live where we do. We were in the market for a new house, I came out to meet Carlos one day, like the area a little north of him and started looking the next week. I traded with Carlos just that one time.
Steve's a little harder to trade with. I think he wants 4 of your coral frags for one of his so I don't trade with him but I do trade with one of his sps farmers. Everybody and his brother is trying to keep sps out here, plus I know a LOT of people so I have access to pretty much anything I want. My goal is keeping stuff that nobody else has, that's almost impossible to do out here. But, I do have some corals that nobody else has, I think, I hope