is THIS cRaZy??

So I have an extra 10 gallon tank that used to be a quarantine tank (I got another one) I'm thinking about turning it into a low maintenance freshwater tank. What do you think? And what would I have to do to it to convert it over, since it had saltwater in it?


Active Member
Basically drain it, rinse it out, and start with freshwater stuff :) different substrate, etc. How low maintenance do you want? EG goldfish very low to planted which is a bit higher.
Originally Posted by ophiura
Basically drain it, rinse it out, and start with freshwater stuff :) different substrate, etc. How low maintenance do you want? EG goldfish very low to planted which is a bit higher.
well I don't really want plants and stuff, just a really basic tank with only a few fish. Do I have to do water changes the same as in my SW tank? It's been so long since i had a FW tank. lol, I barely remember the basics.


You do have to do water changes but not as much as saltwater. Its also gonna depend on the fish. Goldfish are dirty! They need to be cleaned up way more than say a warmer tropical freshwater.


Active Member
Freshwater can be more forgiving than saltwater. If you don't have an RO water unit, then get a pH reading on your tap water, and that is a good place to start in terms of fish selection.
There are some low light, low maint. plants available in FW. Recently, though, I admit to seeing some goldfish tanks and thinking, aaawwwww, I do miss that. In which case some gravel, nice plastic plants...easy. A water change with good gravel siphoning and you are good.


Originally Posted by ivycharlaine
So I have an extra 10 gallon tank that used to be a quarantine tank (I got another one) I'm thinking about turning it into a low maintenance freshwater tank. What do you think? And what would I have to do to it to convert it over, since it had saltwater in it?

Just give it a good clean. Take out everything that was in it when it was salt. Use uncolored gravel. I like a piece of two of driftwood.
You could have some really easy to grow java moss, and some other plants with the basic light you should have for the fish, a fluorescent. Like a saltwater tank, you can choose fish that will benefit you and make your life easier. The cycling can be done with a couple zebra danios or a couple neon tetras.
Once your cycled, I would get at least 2 cory catfish. They are good bottom cleaners. Ghost shrimp and African Dwarf frogs are good scavengers, too. A mystery snail and a pair of small oto cats will keep your algae in check, once it comes up.
I have a 20 gallon community tank that is very low maintenance. I do water changes every 2 to 3 weeks, sometimes longer. A ten gallon wouldn't take much time at all to do a 10-20% water change. Have fun!


i have a small ten gallon that i use as a nite lite in the kichen and all i have in it is fancy tail guppie's, they bred alot and my moray loves

eric b 125

i second the live-bearer idea. there are some pretty nifty and colorful molly's, and telling their se x is pretty easy- the females have rounded anal fins and the males have a smaller anal fin that is tube-like