Is This Normal


Active Member
you can jack your own thread if you start going on some weird tangent having nothing to do with the question at hand, no?


Like i said earlier in the thread my tank size is 45 gallon. But also like i said earlier, i don't think i can have stuff that sift sand because i have cc. And i have been informed that i need to get rid of my cc and go with ls. Thanks for your reply though.


Active Member
haha i was way over it, dont worry about it. if anyone was to 'blame' , it would have been canisee2, but im not like that. all i was saying was that i was going to likely not pay attention to the thread any more if you guys were talking about something else.


Active Member
You can go off subject if you like. There is no set rule. This place is supposed to be friendly and we are supposed to be enjoying a great hobby... and having fun.


This hobby is the greatest. I have only been in it about a month and a half but it is so much fun and interesting. I can sit in front of my tank for hours. It even puts me to sleep sometimes. I don't care how much it costs, anything that can get my mind off of work makes me happy.


New Member
ok... i have the same problem but i also had a breakout with bubble algae. What is the BEST and EASIEST way to get rid of it. I have herd to knock it back and forth and break it away but it seems to be coming back. Is ther anything that will eat the bubble algae?


Active Member
emerald crabs eat the bubble algae. if you break it yourself you will risk the bubble bursting and releasing the spores to come back again. check your water parameters


Active Member
I have never had an emerald eat it. They "say" the male emerald{bigger claws} will eat the small ones, but I've never seen it. I just manually remove it. If you are very careful, you won't break them. Saltnoob is right, there is some extra nutrients fueling it. Best way to eradicate it is good water quality.{not overstocking too} Check your phosphates, nitrates, and alkalinity.


Hey Saltn00b, I said that i would let you know when i made the change from cc to ls. Well i did it this past weekend. It took me 3 hours but i finally finished. I know you said not to do it all at once, but i took a chance and it worked. My tank looks great and my fish is fine, acts like nothing happened. I am just really glad that i don't have to worry about it anymore. Thanks again for all your help.


Active Member
good, i told ya it wouldnt be as much of a nightmare as you though! i only said not to do it all at once if the tank was getting too murky....
good luck, keep watching the levels for a little spiking.


Ok, I will. The water did get cloudy after i was done around 12:00am, and by the time i woke up the next morning everything looked normal. And you were right is wasn't as bad as i though it was going to be. Now i just don't know what to do with all the cc that was taken out. Can i do anything with it should i just throw it away?