Is this possible?


Active Member
Im sure a clown fish would love to host a large aptasia....IF IT WERE'NT SO UGLY!!! lol, good question rye.

bang guy

I'm not sure but I don't think so Rye. The acclimation process would probably kill the Clown. Aiptasia nematocycts fire really hard.... hard enough to penetrate a clamshell.


My clowns won't host in anything!I even bought a bubbletip anemone recently and it settled into the tank right where the clowns hang out all day.They don't go near any of my corals either.:confused:


i have seen it once, but that is the only time...when i was working at my LFS we had put a clown in a large tank with nothing in it but liverock covered with aiptasia and the clown picked a rather large one...and i have no doubt that it was hosting the clown
i have'nt seen it befor and i havent seen it since...


I remember a pic that the perc was in the aiptasia. I saw the pic in another forum but dont know whose pic it was. But the tank was covered w/ aiptasias

melissa v.

I Would say that is a yes to you rye, (now let me go back and read the first of this thread, what was it i actually agreed to?);)
Melissa V.


Active Member
I don't really know why I even asked that question.........just curious really.
Bang Guy- I didn't know that an Aiptasia could shoot Nematocycts with that type of force. Lern sumptin' everduyh.


Active Member
Depends on the clownfish... It has been proven that a true percula clown is immune to stings from all know anemones, but most other clownfish are immune to only a select few anemones. So I would say it is possible for a percula but not any other clown.
iceburger- was it a percula clown that you say host in aiptasia by any chance?


Active Member

Originally posted by Bonermeister
Bang - What is your new avatar?

I beleive it is a banggai egg.