Is this sand OK??


I already have 40 lbs LS in my tank, but I want to deepen my bed about an inch so I bought some play sand from Home Depot, brand name Quercete. Will this be ok to add, or should I get a different kind?

bang guy

Put an inch in a drinking glass with water. If it's pure white without impurities and the grains are sugar sized and smooth then it's OK.
If it doesn't meet all the above critera it's a bad idea to add it IMO.


Active Member

Originally posted by Boomper
I already have 40 lbs LS in my tank, but I want to deepen my bed about an inch so I bought some play sand from Home Depot, brand name Quercete. Will this be ok to add, or should I get a different kind?

please let me know how it goes. I to saw and was thinking of buying that sand. Cant seem to find southdown or old castle anywhere


Ill take Bang's advice and try it in the glass of water. None of it is in my tank yet, and it was only $3 for a 50 lb bag so no loss.


a very easy search will show you what this stuffs used for...Take whoevers advise you want, but its filled with silicone... its used for concrete for christs sakes.......what part ofthe country you located in?i could definatley find you some southdown or usable sand from a friend,, we have them everywhere!! Please, do yourself a favor and just throw it out.. and by all means, i will help you locate that which you seek.. just let me know.
edit: is it quetrete?? or quickrete? if its the first then i stand corrected,as i have NEVERheard of it, ifits thelatter, thats what im referingtoo..


Active Member
ive checked a few places and i couldnt find it...if u could help me locate some here in austin that will be greatly appreciated.


ok man, let me make a couple conacts over the next couple of days and well see what i can do..its also called "tropical playsand",now..little boy playing on the cover. i email you a pic tomorrow after i take one. but if your looking for "southdown" i dont think youll find that anymore, although i could be wrong...Another name tolook for is "yard rite" might want tocheck how rite is spelled, but thats another..
Like i said give me a coupe of days to look around for you,but in the mean time call around to home depot's in your area, ill also be able to provide you with a sku# andthey willl often transfer bags to your local store for you... just another thought... ill let you know, and getthat pic to you tomorrow..


Yeah I dont think using this sand will be a good idea.....what are some places that carry the southdown. I live in the Pittsburgh area.

bang guy


Originally posted by jtkld75
Take whoevers advise you want, but its filled with silicone... its used for concrete for christs sakes

I thought Silicone was used for

implants, not concrete.
I don't think you'll find any Silicone in that sand.


Active Member

Originally posted by jtkld75
ok man, let me make a couple conacts over the next couple of days and well see what i can do..its also called "tropical playsand",now..little boy playing on the cover. i email you a pic tomorrow after i take one. but if your looking for "southdown" i dont think youll find that anymore, although i could be wrong...Another name tolook for is "yard rite" might want tocheck how rite is spelled, but thats another..
Like i said give me a coupe of days to look around for you,but in the mean time call around to home depot's in your area, ill also be able to provide you with a sku# andthey willl often transfer bags to your local store for you... just another thought... ill let you know, and getthat pic to you tomorrow..

Thanks! I really appreciate what you are doing for me.



NP, dude... im putting the word out and ill get you the pic very soon, as soon as my camera charges that is:)


Ok this ought to get you guys started :sku 578819 is for "tropical play sand" by Yard Right from Home depot's in your area.
Also, bang, i didnt mean any offense to you by my statement, sorry it came across like that. lol yea silicone is for implants,, it was late, lol..

salty rob

I bought some of the Home Depot tropical playsand that was too fine to use. It was almost like powdered sugar.
Be cautious.


Active Member
r u sure that the sku# is correct? I checked at home depot n i had customer service check and the sku# didnt work then i had them check the other home depots in austin n they said no1 carries that type of sand.