Is this true.

Someone was telling me if your clownfish don't go into an anenome, because you have tank raised or ocellaris clowns, you can grab the anemone and put it in a small container or pot with the clowns and leave it in the container or pot for an hour or so, so that the clownfish will get used to it. Is this a safe way to do it? Or should nature just take it's course?
Please answer quickly.


I never heard that...seems to me you would be taking a chance stressing them out
So I personally would not do it
My clowns never go near my BTA


At the LFS they put clowns and anenome in a 6"x6"x6" mesh box for this reason. They have had some success but who really know if the clowns would of taken to in a big tank.


Active Member
I know a few people who have had success with this method.
Get one of those long skinny bags that you get a new fish in from the LFS. (the clear kind) keep the bag over your tank. poke a few holes in the bag, 1 about half way up the bag and then a few holes above that one, nearer to the top of the bag.
Place the bag in the tank and fill with water. Place the nem in the bottom on of the bag (while the bag is still in tank and full of water.) then place the clown in the bag too.
Hold the bag closed with you hand and slowly start to lift the bag out of the water. VERY SLOWLY! This will cause the clown to gently and gradually move toward the nem and touch the nem, without really having another option. Once the clown realizes that it is okay, you can see the clown rubbing on it and touching it in the bag. Leave them like this for a few minutes, until the seem aquainted, then set the nem and clown free.
The people I know who used this said that they found their clowns in the nem the next day, if not the same night.
If you have a nem that is more docile, I don't think it's a huge risk but I wouldn't suggest a forceful union with a condi nem, or like a carpet nem, since they will and do eat fish.
My LFG does this frequently. I personally just want them to do their own thing. I just read a post on a different site about a lady that was trying to get her clowns to take to her nems for four years. Someone told her to put pictures of similar looking clowns and anemones (three pics) facing the tank so the clowns could see. she said within two days her clowns were all over her anemones. idk. what do you guys think? Kinda sounds plausable to me. sometimes the little guys gotta be shown what to do ya know? I think im gonna try it...I would feel much more comfortable doing this than watching them struggle and get stung..I dont like forcing Ill just teach them what to do. What do you guys think? (sorry if i kinda took over a bit cameraman)


Let Nature have its way, my clowns never looked at my nem for the first 4 months it was in the tank, then one morning when the lights came on the were both snuggled tight in the nem, now after a year i have a total of 5 nems from the splits--and the clowns still go into the first nem that started it all.
These are all pretty intresting ways to do it. I might tell my friend to do the bag trick. Although the picture method sounded pretty funny.
mermaidgirl it's fine
We all fear about the negatives.. It's your personall opinion so I can't tell you what or what not to do