Is This Unusual For Clowns


Is it unusual for clowns to host different things? I've got a very young pair of clown, this juveniles and the male is hosting a coral and the female is hosting a featherduster. Is that a problem? Does it mean they're not a true pair yet?


Active Member
They are just "clownin" around. Not unusual at all. If in fact they are just juvis you are in for some real surprises as they grow. Enjoy the ride.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Pixiefish
Is it unusual for clowns to host different things? I've got a very young pair of clown, this juveniles and the male is hosting a coral and the female is hosting a featherduster. Is that a problem? Does it mean they're not a true pair yet?
is one bigger than the other? The female as you say probably hasnt truely changed over to female yet. I would say they are both males for the time being. I have abonded M/F pair. They wont leave each others side. They sleeping touching each other.


The one I am assuming is a female is slightly larger then the other one. Their staying close together is off and on. Sometimes one of them does it's little dance when they meet up. They're almost two inches now but I just notice that the larger one is now going up to the coral and dives in with the smaller/male? is at but then returns to her feather duster. Then the smaller one come to check out the feather duster too. Could it be they haven't decided who they want to permanantly host?


Originally Posted by hlcroghan
I actually think they are kind of ugly. And I would never ever pay 600 for one fish. Just IMO though. I guess if you got funds like that more power to you.
Yeah I think it is crazy. That fish is almost 700 bucks.


Well, I've been observing my clowns behavior more closely and I'm noticing that they are simply trying out different corals to determine which ones they prefer. I've seen them both now on all three or four corals they seem to to like. Both seperately and together. Makes me think of Goldielocks and the Three Bears. This one is to hard. This one is to soft. This one is just right. Hopefully, they'll soon figure out which bed they...BOTH....want to sleep(host) in.


Active Member
They will not host as many different things in the wild though because for example, a finger leather isn't going to provide much protection from predators lol.
Where there are no predators, it doesn't really matter what they host.