Originally Posted by
Alabama Reefer
Mine lay every 14 days at the same time of day. The eggs hatch on the 9th night. Clowns truely are the Swiss clock of the ocean(aquarium)
Swiss clock that isnt very accurate
. Yes those are good averages but those numbers arent set in stone. In the summer when temps are warmer, some of my clowns hatch in 7-8 days (even as early as 6). Some of them spawn every 10, some of them every 14-16.. Temp can play a role, as well as different species can have different hatch rates/spawning frequencies. You are partially correct though. If they hatch in 8 days this batch, odds are that they will also hatch in 8 days on the next batch. As the temp warm in the summer, I wouldnt be surprised if all the eggs were gone/hatched when I went to pull them on day 8
I woulnt worry about trying to rear this first batch.. Take the time to get your rotifer cultures going, studying gestation periods and reading the "clownfishes" book by Joyce Wilkerson
For the first 5-10days (7 average) they will need live baby rotifers. Then when they start to go through metamorphosis they will need live brine that has been freshly hatched every day.