Originally Posted by
Something happen Carlos? I hope you are okay.
thanks Henry but sadly no. i will tell you what happened.
Originally Posted by meowzer
Life's questions are unbelievable....I have lost a grandchild at 30 days old and a son (step, but he was like my own) at 25..(it will be 2 years in June) So I know EXACTLY what you mean when you ask that question Nissan.....
There are no answers
thanks meowzer.
Well guys its like this. My first lost in my Family was my 17 year (i cant remember how old) cousin named Richard. I lost him a while back. He was in Cancun, Mexico were he went to a club to have fun with his sister. when they got out to go to their hotel, they got in a taxi and it was doing a U-turn when a government car from speeding came and hit my cousin side. the car went spinning. my mom told me that he was putting on his seatbelt when that happened. His sister is ok (thankgod) but sadly my other cousin isnt. he was in a coma for a long time. I just cant believe how that happned to us. He was a great kid. he was always with us. spending more time with my family and his other aunt. having lots of fun with us. my mom loves him like a son and i love him like a brother. Its amazing how we lost a young man like that and what happened to who the people that hit him???? well according to my mom and his if i remember right: since they work for the government they couldnt do anything.
R.I.P Richard, You will never be forgotten
Now the Death of my Grandpa. He was a great man! i love him lots! he was always there for us making us laugh. although his death didnt impact me as much since he lived so far. Guatemala. he still my grandpa and i love him! he will never forgotten
R.I.P Oscar, the best grandpa in my world
My little nephew
He was born premature. he fought for his life! he never gave up! everytime i will go see him at the hospital he will open his eyes and look at me and his mom (my sister) he was an amazing child! being premature and being in the hospital for months and growing everyday it was amazing! being born at 5 months is critical. but my little nephew fought his life. but just recently he pass away.
i love him so much! he will always be in my mind and heart.
My Best friends brother and dad.
My best friend just lost his brother in a car crash just similar to the one of my cousin. they were going back home when a 16 or 17 year old kid hit them from the back causing the car to spin and go into a ditch. my best friends brother was killed in impact. he was really drunk! guys please dont drink and drive. and know when to stop drinking. anyways the other kid who hit them had no I.D and that was his mom car. They are being sued right now for everything. and my friend is still there living life...His dad, his dad pass away exactly 2 years and a day before his death of his brother. His dad died of cancer. now my family and his are in a better place.
R.I.P Alfredo and Mike's Dad
Im sorry guys if this is heart breaking but like i said above its amazing how life is. taking the life of the people we love, cherish, have fun with, who everyone loves, who no one hated, everything this world could ask for they had!
thanks guys! thats why i love SWF and the NanoReefers. you guys are amazing!
thanks and R.I.P to all who are in heaven.