it was dumped on me. please help


i know you all think that if i dont know all of this basic info... then why do i have it. well i was the best option. and obviously i have not wasted any time attempting to make it right so if you would please just help me if not for me.... for the tank and investmet that my friend had in it. i will try to do it justice and honor and i will respect all input. i have a good sence of humor to so flame on if you must

hello all and thanks in advance for dealing with me. my name is Kevin and...... well a very unfortunate set of circumstances (emergency move of a friends belongings) have caused me (a VERY newbie) to be the new owner of a 125 gallon saltwater tank. i dont know anyone and i have not had enough time to visit a saltwater store.(nor do i know of a reputable one) and i am finding researching it very difficult and time consumeing. please be easy on me.
i moved the tank sunday (sept 20) about 50 miles took all day, drained water into rubbermaids, transpored it all from tank to tank in about 7-8 hrs. performed a couple tests, SG is at 1.026-1.027, is this ok?
ammonia is about 0.0-0.2,
pH is about 8.2,, have not checked nitrite or nitrate,
i have lots of questions but pics to support it. first what kind of tank is this. (reef or ..........)
what kind of fish is this #1 sweetlip?
what is this? anemone? this is closed up, its about 7-8 inches in diam. when open. but right now in this pic its closed and about 3-4 inches. this one look healthy but there are alot of very similar ones that look very stressed after the 50 mile move. (about 8 more that are from 1" to 3" open)


sweet score i couldnt really tell from the pics looks like a mixed reef thought i saw some coral and such. WATCH that amn. lvl you want that at zero it could be from stirring up stufff and suck but id do a 10 to 20% water change use RO water get it from a machine if u dont have ro. what kind of filter are you running and what kinda equipment and such. welcome to the hobby


YEAHHHHH,,,I'd call it a score...LOL....Welcome to SWF...and good'll get some good advice and help here


yeah you got some coral looks like some mushrooms and zoo's get that sg down to 1.024 use ro to bring it down. just read thru the boards there is tons and tons of good info


is this one dead, in the forefront of the pic (looks like white/yellow slime hanging off the rock) you can also see the stressed anemones in the back. what should i do.
what is this flat looking fungi thing


just give it a little time they gotta be stressed get your water lvls in check and keep a eye on things the corals might not open up for a while did you ship all the rock in water


close up of the dead looking thing. it might be normal because there are two in the tank (are they just naturally light in color)
what kind of fish is this?


Originally Posted by naclfish
just give it a little time they gotta be stressed get your water lvls in check and keep a eye on things the corals might not open up for a while did you ship all the rock in water
yes all the rock was in water, the longest any of it was out of water 4 mins and very little was out for even that long.


the is also a little 3 inch ball of white spikes that can really scoot if disturbed. i didnt get a pic because it disappeared behind the 250 lbs of rock. i didnt even know it was in there, i guess it servived the 5 hr trip in the sand with very little water and an unregulated temp. there is also a little yellow fish that does not come out ever. it looks like a bottom feeder, and from what i remember from the past conversations with the prior owner is that it lived with some shrimp or a crab in the sand.... i really dont know the details, would just like to know what it is.


oh oh oh pick me lol!
72-78 degrees but your suppose to be more worried about temperature swings than if its a little high or low. (I THINK) still learning here too.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Jaodissa
oh oh oh pick me lol!
72-78 degrees but your suppose to be more worried about temperature swings than if its a little high or low. (I THINK) still learning here too.

72 is too low...unless you have critters like sea horses. 76/78 will keep things slowed down, but healthy. 80-84 is normal reef temps, but algae blooms and other problems happen fast so you have to be on top of things more.
What creatures you keep really dictates what a good temp is, the above temps are just guide lines.


welcome to the hobby!i keep my tanks temp at 80. that seems to be the best all around temp for all the critters in the tank. just keep a good eye on your water params. and keep up on regular water changes and read and ask questions. this site has alot of great info and alot of very knowledgable people that are willing to answer questions!


Originally Posted by mastertech
oh...oh... i found the spiky thing.what is it.
all of the animals you have can be easily researched right on this site as well as many others. your gonna have to put in the time to know what each one is and what they require. your main concern should be getting your water parameters right. thats a temp of 78 -82 degrees (keeping it the same is the most important thing and remember that your lights ,pumps, etc give off heat. lights often require a cooling fan if they dont already have some built in) ammonia has to be ZERO or very close to it especially for corals. nitrate also has to be Zero or close to it. PH should be 8.0 - 8.3 and like temp should not fluctuate. getting these things right is essential. running your lights on a strict schedule is also very important. good luck you got alot of cool stuff but also alot of responsability.


Active Member
Your pictures are so small that I cant see anything.
Bad eyes I guess.
I would be prepared to do multi water changes for the next few weeks to get everything settled in.
The one picture with the melted thing looks like a leather. It looks like a goner but you never know, they sometimes come back