Ugh see this is what I have to put up with... As we were closing last night a woman came in with a water sample for me to test. Everything was fine except her nitrates were off the chart!!! Way over 200!! So I go to asking her details about her tank, how big is it, how long has it been set up, what's in it, when's the last time she did a water change... Turns out the day before she said she took out ALL the water and she's getting impatient with all my questions. "Can't I just put something in it to fix it?" Patiently and politely I go on trying to tell her about water changes and that I would advise putting a lot of effort into water changes, maybe 30% or so right away and then... Nah, before I could even finish she's getting hacked off at me!! "Look, I don't want to argue about what's been done I just want to know why it happened and how to fix it." That's part of what I was trying to tell her! I go on about how she should never take all the water out, she interrupts with "well we didn't take it ALL out" just what sounded like 90% or so, I start in on it could be overfeeding, that she stirred something up out of the substrate... Nope! Now she's really hacked off at me saying that she can't believe there's not something she can just put in the water (quick fix anyone?) and she's NOT going to look at an empty tank indefinitely while she fixes the problem the right way yadda yadda yadda... Firmly I tell her "Ma'am I'm trying to help you and I'm sorry it's not what you want to hear. This is my best advice but you can always ask around and see what others have to say" She mutters something about that's why she came to ***** in the first place then "oh NEVERMIND" and stomps out.
She'll probably send in a complaint about how I was rude and I don't know jack and what all else. Oh well, I stand by what I said! On thinking about it later I probably should've just handed her whatever most expensive crud we had that claims to be a cure all for high nitrates but that's just not me. Too honest and ethical at heart to instantly think of underhanded stuff like that at the time, only later does it occur to me
Gotta work on that! :hilarious It's these sort that give all of us a bad name...sheesh...
Think I should've done it differently? Anyone know of a product that's reliable for taking down the nitrates without throwing all the other levels out of whack?
She'll probably send in a complaint about how I was rude and I don't know jack and what all else. Oh well, I stand by what I said! On thinking about it later I probably should've just handed her whatever most expensive crud we had that claims to be a cure all for high nitrates but that's just not me. Too honest and ethical at heart to instantly think of underhanded stuff like that at the time, only later does it occur to me
Think I should've done it differently? Anyone know of a product that's reliable for taking down the nitrates without throwing all the other levels out of whack?