It's not the LFS fault


Originally Posted by crimzy
I've dealt with some really bad seeds. This is said tongue-in-cheek... in part.



Active Member
I disagree with the opening statement.
They are just as guilty as the customers who make uneducated purchasing decisions.
If a store is to sell a product (in this case, saltwater fish), it is their JOB to provide accurate information about it. That is their job.
The buyer, however, also has the job of not being an idiot.
But afterall, this world isn't perfect.

b bauer

Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I disagree with the opening statement.
They are just as guilty as the customers who make uneducated purchasing decisions.
If a store is to sell a product (in this case, saltwater fish), it is their JOB to provide accurate information about it. That is their job.
The buyer, however, also has the job of not being an idiot.
But afterall, this world isn't perfect.

I disagree if someone went to home depot and bought a 1000 2x4 and built a house out of them and when it collapses can they sue home depot?But good lfs will ask for info and try to sell the person the right fish because there tang died and its the lfs fault they put it in a beta bowl


Active Member
I can say what I want about a LPS because I worked for one.
So, if you went to the pharmaceutical counter to get something for your cold and they gave you Meth, it'd be okay because it isn't their job to know?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Just so EVERYONE knows, no attorney will file a lawsuit against any LFS for a nonsense reason such as "they refused my business" unless it is based on race, gender, disability, etc. People seem to think that attorneys will take on a case to sue someone who looks at them wrong. This does not happen and there is no need for tort reform to accomplish this result. Even though attorneys may be the scum of the earth, they are concerned about one thing: making money. Filing a frivolous case, especially on a contingency fee basis, will cause the attorney to lose money. Moreover even if a frivolous case was filed, it will be quickly resolved with an immediate summary disposition motion and the filer may be subjected to sanctions.
While it is easy to think that the courts are a free for all with no boundaries, this is completely untrue. If you think this is the case, call your local "ambulance chaser" and tell him a story about being refused in your LFS based on tank size. See if you can find anyone to take on such a ridiculous case.
It is a common misconception that people can be sued for having brown hair and blue eyes, or for asking their neighbor to turn down their loud music. Anyone with experience in the courts will tell you that this is nonsense. Tort reform is not necessary because the problem is not in the courts but in the perception by people who don't know any better. In fact, if you take a look at the appellate courts' decisions nationally, you will see the trend towards conservativism. They are making it very tough on civil Plaintiffs and criminal Defendants. Just an FYI.
You do not need an Attorney to file suit in Civil Court. The fact remains: anyone can file a suit (I didn't say win) against anyone. I'm all for tort reform; but this doesn't change this fact.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I can say what I want about a LPS because I worked for one.
What is LPS?


Active Member
I wish.
Anything would have been an improvement to that 7th layer of Dante's infernal Hell. : )
...and I mean that the most loving way possible.


Active Member
I refused to sell a homeless person a car battery today. I'd better get an attorney "on call" ASAP.
Hey about some pro bono in San Diego????


i also belive the LFS should know what they sell and should be able to give you some good info, or atleast say they dont know and point you in the direction of someone who does.
stores should know what they sell, weather its auto, grocery, rite aid, or a pet store.
i still search online tho, it easier to get the info.
i actually called a LFS today and asked them if they had a 120g in stock, and i told him the dimensions(48x24x24). he like"thats not a 120, thats a 150" i was like wtf?


Active Member
As I stated earlier, my hubby is a LFS and refuses to sell livestock to anyone who shouldn't be purchasing an item. Its all in the way its presented to the customer. For instances, he had a customer with a 125 gal tank wanting to purchase a YT after stating they bought one at another LFS and it died 24 hrs later and the LFS wouldn't give them a refund. Since my hubbies store does offer a guarantee, the customer wanted to purchase from our store. My hubby told the customer to bring in a water sample to determine why the tang died, and until they did, he refused to sell them the tang. Turns out they were using salt water for top offs their salt level was off the charts! And once they got the problem resolved, hubby sold them the fish. Now the customer is a regular, because they liked the fact hubby took the time to really help them. Point is, I don't think many people would try to sue him for doing his job and caring about the fish.