Originally Posted by rberhow
OMG, crimz, that makes me feel so much better, sorry!!!! It is driving me nuts!!!! How can i be online and not im'ing with people
New tv, so kewl!!!!
Now RU, do you need to prompt everyone to go and look at that. You were supposed to let it die at page 20. You are bad at this. Did I go on and on about your little obsessions??
umm you say that as if it were past tense...lol... yes you still go on and on about the obseesion you deemed for me...
now for the bolded section... this pirate walks into a bar... the bar tender says excuse me but did you know you had a steering wheel attatched to your pants... the pirate says aarrrgghand its drivin me nuts...
Nice freakin TV crimzy...I am jealous...
what up 8x8...
ru(dang leave for a moment and a bunch happens)around