Its Saturday!!!!!


Active Member
:cheer: I am having a much better Monday!! It only took them 4 days but they finally fixed my internet!!!!! :cheer: And Crimz, this one's for you. :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
:cheer: I am having a much better Monday!! It only took them 4 days but they finally fixed my internet!!!!! :cheer: And Crimz, this one's for you. :cheer:

Rber... please stop posting pics of her... she's freakin me out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Rber... please stop posting pics of her... she's freakin me out.
:cheer: Hmmm, :cheer: I :cheer: didn't :cheer: realize :cheer: she :cheer: bothered :cheer: You!!! :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ohioguy06
Hey Rb !!!!
Hey, how's your little guy feeling? I sure hope he is doing better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
:cheer: Hmmm, :cheer: I :cheer: didn't :cheer: realize :cheer: she :cheer: bothered :cheer: You!!! :cheer:
Why are you so mean?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Why are you so mean? :help:
Me, Me, now that was hurtful

Nah, I know you love it.

Oooops, almost forgot :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ohioguy06
He is Sick if u im ill tell ya more...........
I will try.....this internet thing isn't exactly fixed I guess coz I keep blipping in and out, so forgive me if its a "spotty" conversation.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
Good afternoon all!
Hey Tim!!! How was your Monday?? Let me guess, it was so warm there that you and the kids went swimming?


Active Member
Hey rber... it took a camera phone and a mirror but I got a pic of the tattoo for you. Unfortunately, I can't post it on here, (I have a weird thing of posting half

images of myself on the internet... learned that lesson before but that's another story
) Anyway, I can share it on IM if you get on with ohioguy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Hey rber... it took a camera phone and a mirror but I got a pic of the tattoo for you. Unfortunately, I can't post it on here, (I have a weird thing of posting half

images of myself on the internet... learned that lesson before but that's another story
) Anyway, I can share it on IM if you get on with ohioguy.
We're on right now so come share away!!!! Can't wait to see how great it looks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
We're on right now so come share away!!!! Can't wait to see how great it looks.
I can't reach him... my aim is jjcrim1210.
What's up Tim?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
Hey Tim!!! How was your Monday?? Let me guess, it was so warm there that you and the kids went swimming?

You mean it wasn't 67 there today? Sorry no swimming! Great day, kids did well and I took my girl to the LFS. Got salt, silicone tubes for the tank building, and of corse had to buy a coral frag. Cleaned the house, did some laundry, cleaned out the garage while the kids rode their bikes and even squeezed in a water change, cleaned skimmer.........
They are tired and are watching Nemo (happens everytime she goes to the LFS). Making Breakfast for dinner and all is right with the world except I miss my wife!
crimzy how was court? what type of law do you practice?


Active Member
did ya all hear that??? its the quittin time bell...

eeeerghhh but now I must go to a new client meeting...after hours... oh well


Active Member
Yeah quitting time!!! Have fun at the client meeting RU and if you get bored, you can always sit there and think of as many one-liners as possible. :thinking:
Holy cow Tim, what a day you've had. I am exhausted reading your post and no fair, 67. I won't see temps like that for about 3 months and that's if i'm lucky. So what is the coral frag?
woo hoo, new sump


Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
crimzy how was court? what type of law do you practice?
I had to be in a few courts today... and they all went well. My practice is basically a general practice... I do a lot of criminal but also do civil litigation, business litigation, divorce, wills, trusts, collections, etc.