Its Saturday!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
How ya doing ru?
I am doin A Okay now... my after hours meeting just canceled!!!
how was everyones Monday Madness???


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
I am doin A Okay now... my after hours meeting just canceled!!!
how was everyones Monday Madness???
Ahhh, I was looking forward to all those one liners you'd think up though...

Oaks, you still sick and laying around?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
Holy cow Tim, what a day you've had. I am exhausted reading your post and no fair, 67. I won't see temps like that for about 3 months and that's if i'm lucky. So what is the coral frag?
Its just a small green finger leather, about the size of a quarter. Also made plans with the owner to harvest my Xenia and shrooms that she will take off my hands.
Yup! pretty good day! back to work tomorrow though, which I'm not looking forward too!
crimzy, Your own practice or with a firm? My wife does complex civil litigation for a small firm in Denver.
ru glad to hear your well!
Oh yea for Oak ***) ***) ***) ***) ***) ***) ***) ***) ***)


Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
crimzy, Your own practice or with a firm? My wife does complex civil litigation for a small firm in Denver.
My own practice. I'm the anti-lawfirm. :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
My own practice. I'm the anti-lawfirm. :hilarious
Good for you! You got moxy! Besides I think most of the folks that work in firms are anti-firm besides the partners!

ru i thought of another good one today "Uber-Dad"!


Active Member
Just in time to say "Night All"
Catch up with ya'll tommorrow night! Gotta work tommorrow!
Have a wonderful day!


Active Member
Good night Tim and have a good day at work tomorrow.

Good night to you as well Oaks. See you guys around.

darth tang

Active Member
Two quick things.
It isn't Saturday, so someone needs to start titling these threads better as they always last well past Saturday.
Second, I seemed to have forgotten my second point.
Darth (not an early bird) Tang