I've Did Everything all Wrong!!! Please Help!


New Member
I just acquired a 10 gallon tank about 2 weeks ago, along with a clown fish (he's about 3 years old). Besides the tank, it came with a pretty cheap setup: hood/light set-up (flourescent light is only 15W), a filter (brand unknown) & a cheap heater. Well, in my enthusiasm at this all, I've now acquired in a two-week span 3 damsels - domino, 3-stripe, electric blue; 2 camel shrimp; 2 crabs (red, not hermit about a 1/2") & 1 LR. I did not cycle (didn't even know what it meant until this am) & pretty much dumped everything into the aquarium.
The local fish store owner is of no help (according to what I've read this am) & told me that her water was safe & not to just put the LR in the tank, float the fish/shrimp/crabs for 15 minutes & then add everything.
The tank thus far LOOKS to be doing well. All of the fish are co-existing well, the shrimp look happy hanging out mostly on the LR, but the crabs buried are buried in the gravel & I really haven't seen them in a few days (they are alive, but are they eating????), but now I'm reading about ammonia/nitrate levels, cycling, skimmers, lighting & I've realized that I'm waaaayyyy over my head & need help before I start losing fish. I have upgraded my aquarium to a 18G, but I'm going back today to get a 30G, a nitrate/ammonia kit, another flourescent light (I have no clue what wattage) & a filter. After reading reviews, I've decided to go with the Emperor 280 Biowheel filter. Do I need anything else?
Due to budget constraints, I'm limited to what I can buy, but I would appreciate any advice that will get me out of this mess I've created. :confused:
~In Dire Straits~


Fitzieni, First calm down and everyone here will try to help you. True this is going to be a bit of work but nothing that you can't work out. First off lights are not a huge issue for you since you only have fish. If you can add some LS this may help with the cycle that you will most diffently go thru. If you can catch the damsels take them back to the LFS for a credit. True damsels are hardy fish but most people will tell you not to cycle with them as it still can stress them out. You may loose the inverts as they are more delicate to spikes in ammonia,nitrites and nitrates. These are the 3 things you want to test for regularly in a new tank and since you don't have corals no need to worry about anything else right now. Now as time goes on you will need to do other research but lets get you going first and try to help save these fish.
Next question...are these fish in the new 18gallon or still in the 10 gallon? Secondly you will find the damsels are a pain as they get to be very aggressive so try to return them. Clowns are pretty hardy as well but still not a good idea to try and put them thru a cycle. If you add your LR and LS you will still have some die off from these 2 things. Try to use the filter from the 10 gallon because it will have some bacteria built up in it and help to keep the ammonia and things to a minimum...hopefully. I know some people do not like the stuff called CYCLE that comes in a bottle but I don't think it would hurt to purchase some and use in this instance. You are going to have to test water parameters daily and maybe do changes as necessary to help keep the spikes to a minimum until bacteria can catch up. Before I give anymore of my advice try to answer these questions ....
1. Is 10 gallon still up and are these fish in it?
2. Do you still have the original filter from the 10 gallon?
3. Do you have Crush Coral in the 10 gallon?
There will be others that sign on and help as well....


Ok.. First of all take a deep breath.... and I must also say... READ READ READ!! before you go out and waste more money READ!! just read this message board.. I have learned pretty much everything I know from here!!
Alright well if I was you... before you buy anything else... buy test kits!! test the water... test for salinity... ammonia... nitrite.. nitrate... etc...
salinity should be around 1.024
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: if not 0 do a water change and that should fix it (only do a water change tho if ammonia and nitrite are 0)
Alright well if your ammonia and nitrite are not 0... it is most likely the tank is going through a cycle... It will probably go though some kind of cycle because of the lr... the tank may be about done cycling.. because you can cycle with fish.. however... it can be bad for them and cause diseases... aggressiveness... and also lead to death
my advice about the life you have in the tank would be go back to the lfs and inflict some severe pain to the owner... haha jk... but ask them to hold your marine life for you until your tank cycles... most good lfs will do this for you...
you sorta confused me about the different tanks you were talking about getting... although the bigger = the better... and easier to maintain...
I would not recommend that 10g or even 18g to start out on... these are very hard to maintain... however... if you do plan to keep this .. then definately read a lot in the nano section!
As for moving to the 30g... is a good move... atleast from a 10g... a 55g is about the recommended size for a beginner... however I have a 30g... (cycling) although I have a sump/fuge that is about an additional 20g... and I'm thinking about building a bigger one... As for the upgrade... you will most likely have to upgrade... a lot of your equipment.. such as the heater.. which you did not post if you had one but i would recommend in getting a titanium heater... these will not crack like the plastic and much more reliable for about $2 more... give or take..
As for lighting for a 30g... it all depends on what you plan on keeping but for any I would not suggest using just plain old NO flourescents... look into power compacts.... 65w would not be bad for a 30g... and it is not that expensive depending on where you buy it from... try searching on the famous auction site...
Just like you I am on a budget... hah..
but my best advice to you would be ... as stated above.. get that marine life out of there until you know it is safe... and then read a lot... before you spend more money... because if you just buy stuff without knowing you will be spending money that you do not need to spend...
I tried to answer the questions.. and add a bit... I am still learning too but I try to share what I know... any questions post here...
and don't be afraid... you can email me if you would like! shiby1510@netscape.net
GOOD LUCK and remember HAVE FUN!


New Member
Thanks Itchy for your response. I am in a panic & really need to calm down, but thanks for your advice. In response to your questions:
1) Yes, the 10 gallon tank is still up & running with the fish/crabs/shrimp
2) Yes, I still have the filter from the 10G tank
3) No, I have regular blue gravel (you are talking about the substrate, right?)
Do I need to upgrade my tank to a 30G or will the 18G suffice for now?
I will go back to the LFS & see if they will credit me the damsels & purchase LS & possibly this Cycle (will wait to see what others think)... Also, I saw saltwater that I can purchase, is this advisable?


The 18 gallon will suffice but you will have a hard time mainting water quality. Lights, like I said are not a concern for you now. If you can take back the damsels and keep the 10 gallon running until you get a bigger tank you will be fine with the 1 clown and the shrimp FOR NOW.
So here is my suggestion for the new bigger tank...as big as you can afford as once you get into this hobby you will want a bigger tank I promise..lol Keep the 10 gallon running, take some of the subtrate and put into panty hose...this will go into the new tank and help seed the bacteria but make it easy to remove once the new tank has cycled. I do recommend LS instead of Crushed coral. Simply because Crushed Coral harbors nitrates in the distant future. I would not worry about asking them to keep the damsels for you, rather ask them to give you credit towards other products for you new tank. There is alot of information on these boards about set ups. Do a search and you will find great information. I want to help get you thru this crisis first..okay. Buy your test kit and test water parameters, I do not like mixed water that you buy but that is my opionion. I do perfer to use RO/DI water that you can buy at Walmart or any gorcery store then mix my salt myself. Lets start here first and then you can move forward with more equipment and a bigger tank. It is true that you have to many fish in that 10 gallon for now so if the damsels go back then for the time being you will be fine. The crabs and shrimp will be hit or miss depending on the severity of the cycle you may or may not go thru. I do not suggest you run out today and buy Power Compact lighting as you have other concerns first. One thing with this hobby is try not to do impulse buying as it can get you into major trouble. Stronger lighting only comes into play when and if you want to get into corals but that should not be for a while in my opinion at least 6 to 9 months. I dont think you are anywhere right now that we can not help you get thru. First decide what size tank you want, take the damsels back, get LS for new tank and try to get it up and running for a future move. Test water parameters and then post them here...you need to test for 1.Ammonia
These will help everyone on the boards help you and find out where you are in your cycle.
Now go to the LFS....RUN...right Now...


New Member
Itchy- I'm heading out the door to buy my test kit, buy a 30G tank & take back the damsels, but wanted to ask a few more questions:
1) So, do I keep the new filter I bought & use in the old 10G & use the old filter in the new tank I'm buying for bacteria purposes. I bought a Top Fin Power filter 30; should this suffice?
2)Also, I'm just buying a tank, no cover/light, etc. Do I really need anything else for the new tank besides of course LR & LS. Do I need a light for now or can I wait a couple of weeks (budget)?
3)I'm hoping the fish store will take back the fish, but they were very inexpensive $2.99/each & they may not. If they don't, what next?
I did buy a 150w heater & plan to use that w/ the new tank.
I'll go & get RO/DI water & mix my own salt (I have Instant Ocean Sea Salt). I used plain tap water before & dechlorinated it.
Thanks in advance!


New Member
Well, I started anew...
I upgraded my tank for the time being to a 25G (it was on clearance for $25). I also spoke extensively with the LFS owner & was able to come up with a plan that allows me to say that my new tank is now, overnight mind you, ready for fish!!! Yahoo!!!!! I just tested all levels & they're perfect!
He advised me to buy:
Live Aragonite Wet Sea Bed
Bio-Spira Marine Nitrifying Bacteria
Another LR
Penguin 200 Bio-Wheel Filter (he actually advised me on another brand, but it was $119 & not in my budget)
I know this is cheating, but desperate times call for desperate measures & we really didn't want to lose any fish, because the other fish store would not take back the damsels.
I'm going to transport them shortly & I'll advise...
Also, my camel shrimp molted last night!!! Wow!
Thanks for your advice Shiby1510 & Itchy!


Fitzieni, just wanted you to know you are not alone. Most of us newby's that started on a whim and without finding this site first do alot of things wrong. Unfortunately the first lesson learned is to not believe all that a LFS tells you! Second lesson at least for me was to research fish before purchasing anything new.
My 75 gallon has been up and running for a couple of months now and knock on wood, I seem to be on track for the moment. But who knows what tomorrow may bring!
I wish you the best! :joy: :happyfish :D


Active Member
fitz, your levels might be good right now because it hasn't started a cycle yet, that will change once the cycle starts, so monitor your numbers closely. but you did say you were using water from the lfs, so if that is already cycled, you might not have to worry about a cycle at all, did you use the water from your 10 gal and add more of the lfs cycled water? If so, maybe you won't get a cycle at all, unless you just put the LR in, all new LR will cause a cycle. Don't get to upset, at least you are soing the right thing now, thats the important thing. Oh yeah, get rid of the blue substate and use sand. Good luck and keep us posted!


first my advice do not rush to buy from the store the price ther 2 time then the web. you can by at : petsolutions Emperor 400 Power Filter at $44.99 (in the store it's $90)better
the the Penguin 200 and you get more flow water.
seconde you do not need to buy immediately heater becuase it's already hot , so you can buy if you tight in money what it's importent first.i bought the catalina saltwter at ***** it's come in 5 gallon and cost $9.99. the water is good and you can put that direct in the tank
and you don't need to add nothing. you can by test kit that you need and i sugest to you befor you go to the store look on ---- to and you find item in half price.
i start like you and the fish still live and everything ok do not panic.
hope it's help


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefDude37
I love this site
Me too!!! :happy:
Hope you get everything worked out.


Fitzieni, Sorry I didn't get back to your other post, been away. I hope all is well. please update me as to how things are going or what you decided to do.. Did they take the damsels back? Did you set up the other tank to start cycling it? Just curious and didn't want you to think I bailed on you... :)