New Member
I just acquired a 10 gallon tank about 2 weeks ago, along with a clown fish (he's about 3 years old). Besides the tank, it came with a pretty cheap setup: hood/light set-up (flourescent light is only 15W), a filter (brand unknown) & a cheap heater. Well, in my enthusiasm at this all, I've now acquired in a two-week span 3 damsels - domino, 3-stripe, electric blue; 2 camel shrimp; 2 crabs (red, not hermit about a 1/2") & 1 LR. I did not cycle (didn't even know what it meant until this am) & pretty much dumped everything into the aquarium.
The local fish store owner is of no help (according to what I've read this am) & told me that her water was safe & not to just put the LR in the tank, float the fish/shrimp/crabs for 15 minutes & then add everything.
The tank thus far LOOKS to be doing well. All of the fish are co-existing well, the shrimp look happy hanging out mostly on the LR, but the crabs buried are buried in the gravel & I really haven't seen them in a few days (they are alive, but are they eating????), but now I'm reading about ammonia/nitrate levels, cycling, skimmers, lighting & I've realized that I'm waaaayyyy over my head & need help before I start losing fish. I have upgraded my aquarium to a 18G, but I'm going back today to get a 30G, a nitrate/ammonia kit, another flourescent light (I have no clue what wattage) & a filter. After reading reviews, I've decided to go with the Emperor 280 Biowheel filter. Do I need anything else?
Due to budget constraints, I'm limited to what I can buy, but I would appreciate any advice that will get me out of this mess I've created.
~In Dire Straits~
I just acquired a 10 gallon tank about 2 weeks ago, along with a clown fish (he's about 3 years old). Besides the tank, it came with a pretty cheap setup: hood/light set-up (flourescent light is only 15W), a filter (brand unknown) & a cheap heater. Well, in my enthusiasm at this all, I've now acquired in a two-week span 3 damsels - domino, 3-stripe, electric blue; 2 camel shrimp; 2 crabs (red, not hermit about a 1/2") & 1 LR. I did not cycle (didn't even know what it meant until this am) & pretty much dumped everything into the aquarium.
The local fish store owner is of no help (according to what I've read this am) & told me that her water was safe & not to just put the LR in the tank, float the fish/shrimp/crabs for 15 minutes & then add everything.
The tank thus far LOOKS to be doing well. All of the fish are co-existing well, the shrimp look happy hanging out mostly on the LR, but the crabs buried are buried in the gravel & I really haven't seen them in a few days (they are alive, but are they eating????), but now I'm reading about ammonia/nitrate levels, cycling, skimmers, lighting & I've realized that I'm waaaayyyy over my head & need help before I start losing fish. I have upgraded my aquarium to a 18G, but I'm going back today to get a 30G, a nitrate/ammonia kit, another flourescent light (I have no clue what wattage) & a filter. After reading reviews, I've decided to go with the Emperor 280 Biowheel filter. Do I need anything else?
Due to budget constraints, I'm limited to what I can buy, but I would appreciate any advice that will get me out of this mess I've created.
~In Dire Straits~