I've had it!!!! Giving up i think!!!


Active Member
Malachite green actually is or was used as a medication for removing parasites, and I say was because I read it was probably on its way to being banned. It generates cancer in labratory tests on rats. :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
Malachite green actually is or was used as a medication for removing parasites, and I say was because I read it was probably on its way to being banned. It generates cancer in labratory tests on rats. :scared:

omg.. i cant win!!


Staff member
formaldehyde has its application in treating certain parasites, however, not in tank and not long term. You are basically pickling your tank. BTW, formaldehyde is the primary ingredient used to embalm humans.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
formaldehyde has its application in treating certain parasites, however, not in tank and not long term. You are basically pickling your tank. BTW, formaldehyde is the primary ingredient used to embalm humans.

yes beth i know this but until i get my QT cycled i dont have any other options, i dont wanna lose my regal, once i get the qt through its final cycle i will then put the guys in QT and hypo the crap out of the tank!!
oh i know what formaldehyde is used for lol!!!! its not formaldehyde. the brand is "ich-x" made by aquatic solutions found on the hikari website..


Active Member
I hate to mention this to the poor guy but isn't he going to kill off his LR if he hypos his main display?


Staff member
Kill off the live rock? There is no live rock after formaldehyde.
As to that, the truth is, I have experimented with subjecting LR to hypo conditions and the rock is not completely killed off. There is die off, don't get me wrong, but not everything is killed. How benefical the rock is after hypo, I can't say, and still won't suggest anybody doing it. But with my small pieces of rock that I tested, I saw it come back to life following hyposalinity....even after having undergone hypo several times.


Active Member
ok so...........thank you for that reading beth....now from what i read from that info to the bottle info is disturbing...first of all ICH X does contain formaldehyde, and the combo apparently will work, however, the UV scares me....i had my light on all day so hopefully i just wasted the treatment not did something worse....anyway i have no other solution i hope i can get rid of this temporarily until i can move my lil guys to the QT and tackle the tank problem once and for all..


Active Member
well i am buying another rubbermaid tonight and moving all live rock to it and letting it essentially "recycle" then what i am going to do is remove the rock from the QT once its finished,or i may just do it now when the other rock gets there, then i am going to move the three fish to the QT and hypo the tank, this seems to be my only solution, i can get by without the 20lbs of live rock for a little while im not overcrowded or bio load is not extreme. so the main tank will be empty except for substrate, the fish will get along ok together in the QT its a
29 gallon it will only be percula(3 in.) foxface(4 in.) hippo(2 in.) not the best tank for them but better than the alternative... or is there a better way???


Staff member
I don't understand. Didn't we already have a plan mapped out in the Disease Forum? If you empty your tank of rock, why not leave the fish and treat them with hypo in there....though at this point I don't see any reason to remove rock, since you've been dosing it with formaldehyde.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
I don't understand. Didn't we already have a plan mapped out in the Disease Forum? If you empty your tank of rock, why not leave the fish and treat them with hypo in there....though at this point I don't see any reason to remove rock, since you've been dosing it with formaldehyde.

well i have only dosed the tank once i suppose i could get the inverts to the QT and then just hypo the tank i guess the damage is done already on the rock, so the best is remove inverts and hypo the tank, ive already lost my star so i guess the 10 dollar coral banded i have and the 15 dollars of cleanup crew can just go to the LFS and hypo the tank..


Active Member
It will much less stressful to both you AND your fish to remove your inverts and do the hypo in your main tank at this point. You could set your shrimp and hermits etc. up in a 10 gallon if need be with some rock for the time being, or depending on where your other rock is in the cycling process maybe you can even put them in the 29 gallon with the rock?? The hermits would be fine IMO but not so sure about the CBS. Good luck to you and don't give up, if you keep the stress levels low your fish should all pull through just fine. Are you dosing their food with any extra immune boosters? Many people swear by this for helping to fight disease.


Active Member
ok i just contacted my buddy who has a fish store, he is going to let me use his refractometer to do hypo until mine comes in from ----!! i got it cheap!!!, anyway ok so what i am going to do is bring my inverts to him he is going to hold them for me....but how long?????? how long do i hypo the tank for???? i know the process of getting it down to 1.009 over a 48 hour period but i dont know how long im supposed to do this for.... any help would greatly help me here....i also need to know what temp it should be at and if i should leave lights off/on etc etcand can i run filters and skimmers??? im hoping yes but?? i dont know this process..


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishmamma
It will much less stressful to both you AND your fish to remove your inverts and do the hypo in your main tank at this point. You could set your shrimp and hermits etc. up in a 10 gallon if need be with some rock for the time being, or depending on where your other rock is in the cycling process maybe you can even put them in the 29 gallon with the rock?? The hermits would be fine IMO but not so sure about the CBS. Good luck to you and don't give up, if you keep the stress levels low your fish should all pull through just fine. Are you dosing their food with any extra immune boosters? Many people swear by this for helping to fight disease.

no i dont know of any immune boosters i am however dousing my seaweed with real garlic everyday as well as the meaty foods for other fish....i dont think i am going to be able to keep my inverts yet in my cycling tank, its not ready, nitrates are too high for survival. i can deal with buying another coral banded shrimp and clean up crew when the time comes.. but for now i think i am going to use my buddies refract. and hypo the main tank, and byt the time im ready for more fish my QT will be in full swing and goodbye to these nasty lil beginner's problems....oh and like i said i am donating my inverts for the use of his refract till i get my own in the mail. hopefully by next week.


Debie said this in my thread:
Excuse me for buding in but is that what they call "rainbow rock" in your pic Carshark?
Have you had any trouble using it in your tank? I love the look of this stuff and going to get some for my cichlid tank but would like to know if it is okay in salt water too?


Active Member
Originally Posted by carshark
no i dont know of any immune boosters i am however dousing my seaweed with real garlic everyday as well as the meaty foods for other fish....i dont think i am going to be able to keep my inverts yet in my cycling tank, its not ready, nitrates are too high for survival. i can deal with buying another coral banded shrimp and clean up crew when the time comes.. but for now i think i am going to use my buddies refract. and hypo the main tank, and byt the time im ready for more fish my QT will be in full swing and goodbye to these nasty lil beginner's problems....oh and like i said i am donating my inverts for the use of his refract till i get my own in the mail. hopefully by next week.
Your using the immune boosters "Garlic"....You can also buy garlic guard, formula two, it contains garlic...It does help, it worked for me when I first catch my fish with ich, but I also did freshwater dips too....It went away and I never see it again....I had all that ich problem once before when I first got started, I know how frustratiing it is...Keep it up and they should do just fine...Good Luck!!!


Active Member
if in the unfortune event that eveything dies, you should consider drying up the tank and let it run with nothing but water for a couple weeks, then start it over again.


New Member
hi carshark i will admit first of all i am new to the sw world and am just begining to get started i have a 90 gal. set up with 100 lbs lr and 110lbs. ls anyway i have my cleaner crew added and recently started adding fish. i now have a yellow tang and 2 clowns. well after the first night i added the tang i turned on the light and she was covered in ich. I was wondering what i was going to do
. well just like in the nemo movie the cleaner shrimp took care of her right away
. no meds. or anything try adding a cleaner shrimp IMO well worth the 20 dollars but word of advice if ya go the cleaner shrimp route then you would half to get rid of the coral banded shrimp i learned that the hard way
. long story short i am on my 2nd cleaner but well worth it. JUST A THOUGHT GOOD LUCK


Active Member
to battle your ph and low cal are you adding buffers? and suppliments.I maintained a 125 agressive tank for 3 1/2 yrs streight with ph of 8.2 without buffers of any sort.last time i moved the tank I did a 50%water change my ph went way down i ended up adding ph buffer now tank is up and running to normal and thriving.ps I use seachem ph 8.3 buffer
and reef advantage calcium w/stontium and magnezium added.ur ph being low aslo will kill your inverts. to battle the ich i def say invest in a few cleaner shrimp even a cleaner wrasse if you can get one.still waiting for lfs to get one for me.I rescently lost a powder blue to ich but the shrimp took care of the rest of the tank.after this loss i went out and baught a uv sterolizer.