jacking ur lfs... haha


Originally Posted by Squidd
Interesting concept, but let's "play this out" a litle bit...
Say you "Jack" the LFS..Then what..?
The insurance company pays them off and they get all new stuff and are back in business the next day...
You on the other hand get caught for breaking and entering, and felony larceny...then when they find you "premeditated" confession on your hard drive (or the internet) they add a "Hate crime" multiplier...
So then the police return all the stolen goods to the store (now they have twice the inventory) and you spend the next 20 years in prison, playing "Pick up the Soap..Be'otch".. with Bubba your large Hairy new "roommate"
So who really "wins" here...??
bubba wins. haha.


Active Member
Well, I thought about taking things from the fish stores that were so easy to take, but then I thought they would ban me from the store if i got caught and it would just have so much trouble written all over it. Plus, I have too much morals


Active Member
Originally Posted by sw65galma
I got a better idea...Lets post our LFS "Steals" that were legal...
Like one time while at my LFS I was buying tons of stuff and the guy was having a tough time catching stuff so he'd grab a few things...toss it in the bag and was like No charge for the extra stuff..
I'm like SWEET! I got a few queen conches, emerald crabs, hermits, turbos, and other goodies..

one of the big stores around my area... the people there are pretty f'n dumb.
for space reasons, they put 2- 5" marlboro red discus' (disci???) in one of the tanks that they kept juvy's in. 15.99 each. i asked the girl there how much the 2 discus' were, and she was like, cant you read??? (pointing to the price). i was like, ohhhhhhhh ok
needless to say i walked out with 2 discus for $30, which should have run me about $120.
yes, i can read quite well, thank you


Active Member
no wonder so many people on this board have fish woes....we're too busy daydreamin of goin reservoir dogs on the nice fishmongers at the store and writing stories on the net to feed some stuipid seabass and do a water change. by the way, you'd need a pretty fast get-away car like a '74 olds station wagon to outrun the angry lfs dude's truck. :jumping:


When I purchased my sump, I had a pack of seaweed on it at the counter, they scanned the seaweed and gave me a total which was way wrong. They apparently thought the seaweed was part of the sump.
On another visit, I purchased three different livestock items along with other items.. I placed the slip on the counter that listed the items, and asked them for a bag to place the them all in a one shopping bag. Total again was no where close to what it should have been and there sat the slip on the counter.
On yet another visit, I was purchasing an urchine, which they placed in a beta fish holder.. (plastic container so the urchine wouldn't poke holes in bag). Even though I handed them the slip, they just rang it up as a beta fish instead of the urchine.
Though it would have been easy for me to walk out and not feel guilty as I did not intentionally do any of these mistakes.. I choose to point them out and paid the correct price. Wasn't easy.. and having my kids with me probably helped.. but it was the right thing to do!!


Active Member
integrity 1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values(EVEN WHEN YOU COULD GET AWAY WITH IT)


Hmm Morality! Now here is a question!
Do you show it all the time, or just when people are watching!
I vote for all of the time!
God is watching, and of all the excuses you can make for why you did it, He will know whats in your heart!
Besides jail AINT FUN!
(slides the soapbox back under the desk)


Active Member
I am very glad to see others chime in here. I daydream of great sales...of someone saying "hey, I don't need this how about you take it"....but NOT of just going in and stealing stuff. Many of the jobs I've worked at were with small business owners. I knew the work they put into it (including at an LFS) and have a great deal of respect for what they are trying to do. I aspire to have that level of inspiration, motivation and dedication in my life, not to be a thief. Not to even imagine being one. I aim high...what you get with what you worked hard for is more enjoyable, IMO.
I have gotten great "deals" from working at an LFS...and from some very generous friends I have met along the way.
A clean conscience is worth paying full price

I'm not holier than thou...unless that means stepping in and saying when something is wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tripleshot
And we wonder why we pay such high retail prices

You, my friend, are exactly right. I've got a brother-in-law who was living with us for about 2 years. He used to steal all kinds of software, music, and movies off the net and didn't think anything of it. One of his main reasons for stealing these items was that they were priced too high and the vendors were ripping the consumers off. I explained to him that when thousands (or millions) of people are stealing from them each year, they are forced to raise prices to account for the loss so he is only contributing to what he despises.
It's kind of amusing to watch him suddenly "get it" right there in front of me. He has reduced his thievery greatly since then, although he still has some problems with it.


i was in my LFS yesterday, and they had a help wanted sign up. at the bottom of the sign, it read "extensive knowledge of salt/fresh water fish and set ups required, not negotiable"
i inwardly smiled.
why is it built in us, to want something for nothing? why do we expect people to give us whatever we desire, for less than?


Active Member
I can just see it....
There's a guy standing in the doorway of the lfs, the giant cop spotlight on him
He has a nervous grin, cradling an armload of test kits, fish foods, live rocks, and is holding a bag full of water in his teeth filled with all sorts of fish and inverts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by laust
i was in my LFS yesterday, and they had a help wanted sign up. at the bottom of the sign, it read "extensive knowledge of salt/fresh water fish and set ups required, not negotiable"
i inwardly smiled.
why is it built in us, to want something for nothing? why do we expect people to give us whatever we desire, for less than?

interesting sideglance to that is that they require an expert and pay so little. they expect people to give them the experience and dedication they desire, for less than... we would make at wallymart.


Active Member
I think Mud is on to something. I picture a couple of guys in ski-masks with dozens of baggies full of fishes trying to make their get-away in their '74 olds station wagon.
They would have made it too if they hadn't tried to put that 125 on the top of the wagon. The cops rolled in while they were looking for carboard to put in between it and the car :scared: . . . .ain't that how it goes?
Hard time for the fish crime.



I work at a LFS, and one day I found a shady looking guy, in the back corner, trying to stuff a 20lb peice of LR into his overly baggy jacket. I asked...
"What you got there buddy?" he replied
"Ahhh, just some rock."
"And your going to keep it your jacket why you contiue to shop?"
"Yea, Ohh... Ahh... It looked cold." I laughed and laughed... and replied
"And your jacket will keep it warm?"
"Yeah, its 400 goose down, man." I took the rock from him and asked him to leave. but man LOL, that reply still makes me laugh when I think about it.


Originally Posted by Farmboy
I think Mud is on to something. I picture a couple of guys in ski-masks with dozens of baggies full of fishes trying to make their get-away in their '74 olds station wagon.
They would have made it too if they hadn't tried to put that 125 on the top of the wagon. The cops rolled in while they were looking for carboard to put in between it and the car :scared: . . . .ain't that how it goes?
Hard time for the fish crime.

people in this hobby can afford a 74 olds station wagon??
i'm shopping at the wrong store!!