jacking ur lfs... haha


Active Member
I've got a funny story that this thread reminds me of. I hope it doesn't get anyone angry.
When I was about 13, me and a buddy of mine used to go to the pet store in the mall and hang out in the fish section. All they had was freshwater, so it got kind of boring quickly. Our means of entertainment was to wait until no employees were around and scoop up little fish with our hands and throw them into tanks containing oscars, cichlids, and other large/hostile fish. It was fun to watch the big fish gulp up the little one in one bite.
Ok, now you know I'm psycho lol.... at least when I was a kid.


Active Member
animals and things in woodbridge-
i used to know a few employees in there that would on occasion feed a mouse to the 2ft red-tail cat that they had in one of the tanks.
dood, it was gross


New Member
At our store here I told the lady I wanted all the baby mollies I saw swimming around and she gave me all the babies but my sea cucumber made them dinner slowly.... Shucks... That was my only freebe. Out store here is so small, and so high priced.
Why dont we talk about the LFS stealing from us. My boyfriend wanted a nemo and I was like ok we will get you a clown fish and they charged us 28 dollars.
I got ripped... But it was worth it I guess a nice addition to the family
. They had two strawberry fish and one was 12.50 and the other one was 20.00
. I bought the cheaper one but I thought how do you determine the difference and the lady couldnt even answer my question on that. HMMMMMMM :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by MirandaJ
They had two strawberry fish and one was 12.50 and the other one was 20.00
. I bought the cheaper one but I thought how do you determine the difference and the lady couldnt even answer my question on that. HMMMMMMM :notsure:
They came in, most likely, on different shipments or from different suppliers. From week to week, the price can change on the wholesale prcie on a fish, due to several factors. A fish purchased several weeks ago, say before Katrina, is likely to be cheaper than one the store bought more recently due to the shipping costs. IMO, it is a reasonably good sign...many stores just have things marked up really high all the time. To see a store that actually marks the prices on fish according to what THEY paid for it is pretty decent. It would be completely within their power to charge the higher price for BOTH fish, and you wouldn't even know it...but on one they would be making A LOT of money compared to the other.


Staff member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
I've got a funny story that this thread reminds me of. I hope it doesn't get anyone angry.
When I was about 13, me and a buddy of mine used to go to the pet store in the mall and hang out in the fish section. All they had was freshwater, so it got kind of boring quickly. Our means of entertainment was to wait until no employees were around and scoop up little fish with our hands and throw them into tanks containing oscars, cichlids, and other large/hostile fish. It was fun to watch the big fish gulp up the little one in one bite.
Ok, now you know I'm psycho lol.... at least when I was a kid.

I think you should have been sent to reform school.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
I've got a funny story that this thread reminds me of. I hope it doesn't get anyone angry.
When I was about 13, me and a buddy of mine used to go to the pet store in the mall and hang out in the fish section. All they had was freshwater, so it got kind of boring quickly. Our means of entertainment was to wait until no employees were around and scoop up little fish with our hands and throw them into tanks containing oscars, cichlids, and other large/hostile fish. It was fun to watch the big fish gulp up the little one in one bite.
Ok, now you know I'm psycho lol.... at least when I was a kid.
i no this thread is old but that is awesome!! if only my lfs didnt have security cameras....


I take a huge amount of pride in my hobby, and all that would be gone if I knew that part of it was stolen. It would ruin the hobby for me.


Active Member
:notsure: Insurance companies legally steal from people all the time and nobody flames them the same way. Take a look at how many insurance companies screwed the victims of hurricane Katrina. Most posted 10% gains this year too. But when someone steals a pack of gum from a store , its the end of the universe.
Robin Hood was a hero, same for guys like John Q.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
:notsure: Insurance companies legally steal from people all the time and nobody flames them the same way. But when someone steals a pack of gum from a store folks are quick to point the finger. Neither one is right IMO.
Robin Hood was a hero, same for guys like John Q.

and how exactly would insurance companies steal from people ..... I have to hear this


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
and how exactly would insurance companies steal from people ..... I have to hear this

Take a look at some of the victims of the hurricane whos claims are being denied, people who had flood insurance and wind damage, the insurance companies are still refusing to pay them. Some of these people have paid into their policies for over 40 years and the insurance companies wont pay them a cent. Thats stealing.


Originally Posted by Phixer
Take a look at some of the victims of the hurricane whos claims are being denied, people who had flood insurance and wind damage, the insurance companies are still refusing to pay them. Some of these people have paid into their policies for over 40 years and the insurance companies wont pay them a cent. Thats stealing.
I would stage a walk out!!! ***)


Some lfs's basically, no, tell you to steal things. One time at ***** i was furious about how much they overpriced this fish food....so...he said lookie here..just walk out...and u no what he did....... he put three thingd of food in my bag. And also slot of places arounf me beg yoi to steal..... really.......they are soo retarded with their pricing and security....well, u get my drift.....


i used to do the same thing for customers when i worked at a toy store. it's just a quick n' easy way to shut a complaining customer up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
Take a look at some of the victims of the hurricane whos claims are being denied, people who had flood insurance and wind damage, the insurance companies are still refusing to pay them. Some of these people have paid into their policies for over 40 years and the insurance companies wont pay them a cent. Thats stealing.

yeah but did the insurance holder purchase natural disastor insurance, is natural disastor coverage excluded from coverage .... I know for a fact some companies downright wont cover acts of god and cleary state it in the evidence of coverage.... there are alot of things to consider before you say insurance companies legally steal... thus why you should read your coverage booklet through and through...and if you dont understand something ask questions untill you do.... from what i see insurance companies did a good job helping people from katrina ....... i think it is somebody of higher power that should be blamed.. Insurance isnt liable for everything