Jamie Lynne S.p.e.a.r.s - IT TURNED BLUE!!!


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Originally Posted by kclester
now that i think about it quite a few of nick stars have tuned out to be bad role models....lindsay lohan...nick cannon...hillary duff...and now this lil girl hopefully she wont turn out to be as bad as her sister

just was wondering what nick cannon did, i havent heard anything about him, but i really dont keep up with the "stars"


well, atleast they met at church lol NOT!!!!!!!!
I want to say I hope they best for her but that is just not the right thing to say b/c she is 16!!!! that is even worse than britt! I'm not saying it cant work but i dont think it will.....
WOW i cant imagine what she is going to be like when she is 25


Active Member
well nick cannon isnt that bad but he does use harsh words in his songs and stuff and i dont think that is a good impression on kids that use to watch him on nick but he isnt that bad i dont suspose


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o, i dont really listen to that kind of music so i wouldnt know about that, he seems to be a good kid, well i guess hes not really a kid anymore


Active Member
what!!!??? she had a kid!? she is my age....
****** they gonna do about her show zoey 101? her and the other mainb guy don't even kiss yet, it's not like they could have a kid on the show, there gonna have to hide her fatness somehow

thats,...strange thinking i'm old enough to have a kid

and i don't want to...for many years


Active Member
I don't ever remember seeing Hillary out with Brit. Lohan and Parris yes....but not Hillary. Club hopping, drunk driving, shots of no undies

Zoey 101 is done....and I sure Nickelodeon won't be making her offers anytime soon.


Active Member
So I remember hearing somewhere that her boyfriend (19 years old) has been living with her and her family.... I'm not sure how reliable that information is but I would say that if it were true, it is hard to be suprised that she got knocked up.


Active Member
that sucks, was a good show. hopefully they will find a replacement or something.
and yeah...someone in that family living with a guy...there is no way it wouldn't happen


If he's 19 and she's only 16 and the age of consent in LA is 17, shouldn't he be in trouble with the law or are they just going to overlook that because she's "famous"???


Active Member
Answer me this. Why is it that she at the age of 16 can make the decision to keep this child and raise it, but she is not old enough to make a decision about having --- (consent), therefor the boy is problably going to go to jail for a few years and be stuck with child support. Our country is f'd up


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
If he was African American he'd already be in jail.

You maybe right... but I doubt he will get in any trouble. Parents would have to raise issue unless there was some overzealous prosecutor


Active Member
yeah the country is f'd up. if jamie lynn

and her boyfriend were nobodies, he may not be facing any problems whatsoever. but being famous, there gonna be on front page of every magazine every time they change shirts. welcome to the f'd up land of the free...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
If he was African American he'd already be in jail.
I Dont agree. This is'nt the 60's.
Also Why does she get to make the decision to keep the baby? Yet she is not old enough in the states eyes to make decisions about having nookie. This is so messed up, there is no logic. And this guy might go to jail for this, and end up having to pay child support for the next 18 years. But the girl who also made the decision to have nookie gets nothing but the choice to be free and keep the baby. Gotta love our politicians


Active Member
I am almost positve she didnt force him to be with her. Neither party made a good decision. They are both at fault. If the tables were turned she might/could be held responsible for a criminal act. Those laws need to be in place, otherwise I can't imagine the things that would be taking place.....conscensual or not.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
now its being reported that she will be paid 1 MILLION $$$ for photo rights of the 1st pic of the baby.

she wants the attention

gets and that's it IMO. looks like it's working ... sad, very sad.


Active Member
I'm confused on why this is such a big deal? Sure, 16 might be a young age to get pregnant, but why is it any of our business?
I've never understood why we feel the need to prey on the lives of celebrities. I watch their movies and listen to their music, but that's about as much about them as I care to hear.