Unfortunately i experienced some rough times with the start of my tank with dumb decisions
I found out my tap water has very high nitrates and phosphates which caused my mushrooms to do poorly but I went and bought an RO/DI system and now things are great. BUT the good news is my hitcher on that rock had room to grow with the absence of all the mushrooms and you can see my red kelp plant is a result of it!
The yellow wrasse seen in the first set of picks died because he got beat up by a purple pseudochromis. The pseudo was in hiding while the picture was being taken. The pseudo was too aggressive so I took him to a LFS.
Then i got a firefish... it jumped into the outflow nozzel of the waterpump.... i dont know how that's possible... i can see it get sucked into the intake but swim against the flow of water and get stuck in there?
So these set of pics are of course my nasty little nemo who bites anything to enters his tank
The second picture was my pygmy angel. He was doing great and eating but ended up eating the kelp plant and stressing nemo (which you can see in the 4th pick, nemo is on love with the plant). Luckily I knew someone who wanted one but was nervous cuz they can have a tendency not to eat but mine ate fine so I gave it to him.
The last two picks are from this February. I added Green Star Polyp and leather finger coral. The kelp plant is regrowing quickly