jap dragon in a150


i would like to get a jap dragon for my 150 but from what I have read online a 180 is the minimum. Standard 72x18x28. Would this tank work for the life of the eel? Only fish in the tank.


it probably wont actually get the damsels but at least it gives it something to do lols.
you could maybe something else in there too, like 1 jap drag. 4 damsels, and then one more fish that is to big for the eel to take, but also not too big for the tank.
maybe a nice sized trigger?

small triggers

Active Member
skate, that would be pushing it, the eel is going to have quite a large bioload and to add a trigger that could get a foot in length is going to be a huge addition to that tank...Especially since the eel is going to be the main attraction, and large triggers can pick on eels,,,


yeh i know the bioload will be big, but i mean like say 6 months after he added the eel.
and i didnt know they picked on eels.
i know i certainly would if i were one lols, especially a jap drag.
and btw, you know jap drag eels are about $700 yeahh?
just in case you didnt know their VERY expensive


It's going to be the lone fish with a few blue devils. I wish I could find one for 700. I'm working out a deal with my LFS to trade in the fish currently in the 150 against the cost of the dragon. It's going to be $950-1000. I've found cheaper online but my LFS only does credit and I need the value from the traded fish to offset the actual cash exchange.


thats ok then, i heard there about $700, i've never actually seen one for sale tbh so yehh. beautiful fish and very hardy:D
any idea when your getting it?
and post pics when you do:D


Just returned from the LFS, where I ordered a 25-26 inch dragon. My LFS called his supplier and got the cost down from $1495 to 995. Apparently the supplier had this eel for 4 months and wanted to sell it. I'm happy with this price from what I've seen online, especially for an eel of this size. It will be here Friday at noon. Taking off of work tomorrow to begin transferring fish out of the 150 to the LFS.


that sounds sweet man:D
be sure to post LOTS of pics, a jap drag isnt something you see everyday:D
is a nice size:D you need a good size sand bed for an eel?

small triggers

Active Member
yeah,,, a very expensive eel,, my lfs gets them in about once a year and they run about $1000 for a 16" specimen, so good goin!!!! gonna be awesome, take some pictures for us!

crypt keeper

Active Member
with an eel that size you may have issues with feeding frozen. I would upgrade your CUC. He will have plenty of food leftover. Hermits starfish.
What I did with my fimby was I starved him for like 3 weeks. Then I allowed some mackeral too soak in garlic for 15 minutes. Then I added some octopus and he went insane. Never had another issue. Then I feed him every 3 days as he would let me know he was hungry. I fed him a mixture, 1 filet piece of different fishes. I would throw in live fish every few weeks. Its only good for them.


IMO its the most beautiful eel out there. im in love with them, maybe one day when im stinking rich (haha if im ever stinking rich) i'll get one:D
try get a pic of it fully out:D

small triggers

Active Member
looks great,, do you have a full tank shot?? Id really like to see how you set up your rockwork,, did you use any PVC underneath?

crypt keeper

Active Member
dude that is one badass eel. His face is one of the best looking I have seen. That tank is a awesome set up for him.


There are also 17 yellowtail damsels in it, there was 24 yesterday. i hope I can convert him to frozen soon, damsels would rack up a hefty food bill.