

Looking to get 1 or 2 of these guys of the yellowhead variety. These are a male/female type right? Not like clowns where they can change their ---? Can you tell the difference between males and females? Id like to get a "pair". Will they tolerate each other and burrow near each other even if there not a pair, I.E. 2 males or 2 females?
Im aware there jumpers and have a good canopy on the tank.
Post any experience/pictures of yours!


I know the blue dot ones are a one per tank. But have herd on several occasions of the yellowhead/pearlys being 2+ in a single tank.


Originally Posted by sman
I know the blue dot ones are a one per tank. But have herd on several occasions of the yellowhead/pearlys being 2+ in a single tank.
I just re-read the description on the Pearly...and it indeed says more than 1 can be kept per tank

I love mine...it's sooooo pretty, and sooo cute the way it pokes its head out to see what's going on