JaxFishGirl's 75 Gallon


Active Member
My tank comes in on Friday. I am so excited! The big move is on Saturday. I will begin the tank transfer on Sunday after the new tank has been set up overnight. I don't want my livestock sitting for too long. They will be taking up temporary residence in a 20 gallon plastic tote with an air pump and heater. My rocks will be in a seperate tote just in case there are any spikes. I am so nervous! ugh
My current 55 gallon

gill again68

Active Member
Wondered where you were and when this was going to happen. YES YES rinse the sand! Take the time to scrub, as I am certain you will, any of that cyano thats left. We want to know WHATS NEXT!! Pics please.....
BTW meowzer keep your head down, saw the weather report. Prayers are here and in use for you and yours.


Originally Posted by Gill again68
Wondered where you were and when this was going to happen. YES YES rinse the sand! Take the time to scrub, as I am certain you will, any of that cyano thats left. We want to know WHATS NEXT!! Pics please.....
BTW meowzer keep your head down, saw the weather report. Prayers are here and in use for you and yours.
Thanks Gill......
Even the weather can't find my house


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Make sure you rinse it good, let it settle, and test the new water b4 adding anything :)
I plan on starting on Saturday morning with new water in new tank and hopefully by sunday I can start adding stuff. But I will definitely test.
Originally Posted by Gill again68

Wondered where you were and when this was going to happen. YES YES rinse the sand! Take the time to scrub, as I am certain you will, any of that cyano thats left. We want to know WHATS NEXT!! Pics please.....
BTW meowzer keep your head down, saw the weather report. Prayers are here and in use for you and yours.
Not too much going on down here. Just waiting for this dreaded move. I haven't bought anything new for fear of it dying in the move. But, I think everything is going to go ok. I am def. going to rinse my sand. I will keep this updated.
on a side note, my favia is finally doing good. i thought it was a going to slowly die. It's skeleton started to show in one spot. I turned off the powerheads and held shrimp right by each of the mouths and it's starting to do better. So I am excited about that!

gill again68

Active Member
Very good! With that nice camera you have you should be able to get a great step by step on the move. Try to keep the beer bottles out of the pictures

gill again68

Active Member
Apparently the camera got lost in the move? Today is Sunday is it not? Hope the move is going well, I am sure it is.


Active Member
The move sucked!!!! LOL. Omg, it was so stressful. But everything is transferred over, not sure if they are happy but transfered none the less. Only problem, my tank came drilled, but no overflow kit. So, I have the tank filled up to the overflow aNd I am ordering one online. I know I can make one. But I would rather not. But i will post pictures later.

gill again68

Active Member
Well that does sound fun. Lets have a look at that aquascaping. We know your gonna change it 3 or 4 times so I personally would like to see each version.


Active Member
I know I have been slacking on these pictures! anyway, here are some.
I know my tank isn't full. There is a reason. I don't have an overflow yet
This weekend that is my main project. I am keeping a close watch on the salinity and specific gravity. I am still deciding on sand. I have already bought some, but am hesitant on adding it in. It looks like a mixture of black and white sand, and it's not coarse enough for my liking. So, I don't know. And my aquascaping is so-so. I like the right side, but not the left. My birthday is coming up on the 22nd and I am buying a lot of dry base rock from Mrocks. My poor tank looks so barren.
my coral is finally fully opened. i had a small ammonia spike, but I am not sure if it was a false reading. I transported my rocks in water to try a have as little die-off as possible. It went to 0.25, but who knows. It's 0 now.
on to the pictures!
Empty on the stand


Left side - that junk on the bottom has since been siphoned out

Right side - junk has been siphoned out


LMB - thought he was a goner


LMB and torch


Active Member
Thanks. Lol I know, that poor clown. It is very lonely. I do plan on getting her a friend once I get this tank up and running.


Active Member
Tank looks great. Cool coloration on the live rock, my 5.5 pico tank live rock came looking like that with white ceramic looking covering and the green tint, not sure what the off white coloring is from, maybe some form of corraline. Now its finally purpled up after a few months. Your LMB looks good, what do you feed him? Mine has been getting skinny lately, and all he'll eat is algae strips.


Wow your lucky, mine only eats film algae, He won't even eat short hair algae unless it's by accident. Your stand is very nice, did you build it? It looks similar to my stand on my 90 gallon accept I went 23 inches from front to back. Are you going bare bottom?
, hmm, that was an interesting question.