jealious wife!

zack schwartz

Active Member

Originally posted by califishdude
i know where bellvue is at i live in kirkland for about 2 years. i love it there

cool maybe we can meet sometime :)


here ill get us back. my wife is really into fish and inverts and im into harware and softys. so the only arguing we do is where to put all of the money. "we sould get more light"
"we should get a clam."
"we cant get a clam untill we get more light"
"fine well get your stupid light but you owe me a clam"
"okay honey ...i love you."
"i love you too .....a$$.."
"excuse me what did you say?"
"oh nothing dear!!"
see everyone is happy i get lights!!!!


Active Member
LOL!!!! I wish it was that easy for me man....Mine is always
"OH that is pretty, what is it?"
"That's an SPS honey"
"I think it's pretty, LET'S GET IT!"
"..............Uh, we can't"
"Cuz I need Metal Halides"
"What's that"?
"oh...... well what about that right there, he's pretty"
"uh, yeah... That's a clam dear" "And it costs $200"
"PLUS, I would STILL need MH's for that"
"I can still have pretty corals in my tank, just not any of these"
"But I like these"
"Yes dear, you buy the Metal Halides, and I'll buy the coral"
"With WHAT money?".....................
:rolleyes: :mad:


Active Member
I don't have a wife. But I have a dog. And she seems to appreciate my tank. She lies on my bed for hours each day and does nothing but watch the tank. If only she had an income. :cool:


Active Member
PS- If there are any cute girls on this board from Atlanta who really like fish, please feel free to let me know.
Hey mods... can we turn this into a dating board for hairtrigger too? :D
I'm pathetic. I know. I work overnights. That's my excuse, and I'm stickin' to it. :eek:
i todl my wife i need some pbetter lights. she said how much are they. i said around 250 for some pc. she said that was too much. i told her that was the cheap ones untill i found some good mh for about 250 complete and then she said it was opk i got those but i couldnt add anything to my tank for a month or so. but i told her the rate i was going i wasnt going to have this tanked stalked with corals until about winter of next year cuz she wont buy me anything forr this tank. she afetr i get the mh i think she will start to get me corals sooner than she thinks.
Also whenever i walk inthe lfs she finds stuff she wants and then i ask how much it is she said its up to me to buy it or night but she also likes the other fish inthe other tank. well i end up getting them and about a week later she is mad at me for buying 100dollars worth of stuff form the lfs.


I have a girlfriend who wants a ring - but she doesn't want a diamond because she did her final research project on diamonds and how they treat the people there is just horrendous. So she wants a mauzenite (spelling??) ring. It looks like a diamond, sparkles even more than a diamond, is almost as hard, and costs a lot less, so woohoo.
Until that happens, everytime I talk about my tank I get "the look". You know the one I'm talking about. The one that cuts right through you and makes you wish you were the size of a tic-tac so you could crawl into the corner and hide.
But, she likes the fish. She calls them her "fish babies" even though she has yet to actually buy any of them, or take care of them. I have to go over to her place and do all the water changes, feed them, monitor water quality, etc. So it's more work for me, but at least she likes the hobby.
Maybe one of these days I'll get her to learn how to do some of the maintenance. Have this funny feeling that a certain ring will need to be offered before that happens though.


Active Member
There needs to be a singles club just for swf people. That way i can find an addict to share my life and tanks with:D Most the girls I know think I'm a nerd for mentioning my tanks.


My boyfriend is fine with the fishtank. Its our dog that is incredibly jealous. When I get home I have to play with her frist or she will bark at the fish and run around in circles. until she throws up.
Its just easier to play with the dog. I do hope the fish dont mind.


Active Member
I don't believe that there is any stone shines through every spectrum of light. "Sparkle" depends mainly on clarity, quality, and cut of the stone. This is why you see 1kt stones advertised for a tenth of the price as a stone same in size somewhere else. Myself, I only got the best. The best cut, absolutley colorless, and the best quality.. If you have the right person cutting a piece of glass, they would be able to fool 98% of the average people. Anybody can make anything "shine" or "sparkle" like a diamond, but you will not find anything on this planet that dense and hard. You get what you pay for (for the most part)... Besides, IF you are going through with that kind of commitment, you should go all the way and get a REAL diamond. ;)


Correction Fishkiller. You will not find anything as hard as a diamond, but there are plenty of things more dense. Density is more a function of atomic weight in most cases.
Speaking of dense, I think the point of DrKegals comment on the diamond was rooted in the fact that his woman does not approve of the depolorable working conditions that diamond miners must endure, and the ridiculous markup that the diamons cartel has imposed on the sale of these gems. Diamonds sit in stockpiles in africa because the cartel does not want to flood the market and reduce the price. Still they continue to treat miners as slaves and form currupt pacts with quasi-stable african governments. DeBeers is more powerful than most small nations.
Sorry, off topic. I'm off my soapbox.
haha im just 13 not a very stedy income but i can live with it my mom is very supportive and brings me to the LFS all the time and always stares at a little one eyed puffer and of course wants it.


Active Member
fulcrum- Yes you ar correct. Though I am not a gemologist, nor an environmental science major, so I do not know the density or number of proton, neutrons and electrons in every element and mineral on earth. I know the only thing you can break or scratch another diamond with is only another diamond. I know that the conditions that people that mine the deposits are working for crap and in some of the worst conditions in the world. Have you ever worn a pair of Nike shoes? They are made by kids working for pennies in east asia. I know of many, many other products used by all of us on a daily basis manufactured using people or kids working in very poor conditions, but you wanna know something???? These people would not have a job otherwise. YES me buying that diamond helped Mr.Shane more than anyone, but it also gave someone a job who would otherwise be sitting around, watching their children starve because they have NO work, and NO money. Hey, a little is better than none, and that gives most of these people SOME kind of hope. ;)


fishkiller -
I respect your opinion, but I believe you have been somewhat misinformed by the clever marketing strategies employed by DeBeers (which controls 85% of the worlds diamonds).
Diamonds are the hardest substance that occurs naturally. But, they incinerate at rather low temps compared to many other elements. Diamonds are much more common than many other gems including rubies, emeralds, and sapphires yet command many times the price? Why? I believe its because DeBeers has programmed people to believe "a diamond is forever".
Mauzenite is originally extraterrestrial in nature. It was found on a meteorite that landed in New Mexico, and has since been successfully recreated in the lab. It is very near in hardness to a diamond, and it's clarity is actually better than even the highest grade diamond.
I could go on and on and bore with with information from my materials science courses, but that's the gist of it.