

I got one off of that auction site for pretty cheap. I read that some think they are garbage
but I haven't had any problems with mine.

fish tv

I have a Jebo power compact light and I find it annoying that it has only one cord/switch With multiple cords/swiches and timers you can simlate the 24 hours light cycle. Also the fan is really loud.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fish TV
I have a Jebo power compact light and I find it annoying that it has only one cord/switch With multiple cords/swiches and timers you can simlate the 24 hours light cycle. Also the fan is really loud.

That's why we got a different light system with multiple cords with timers to simulate the 24 hours light cycle. We're enjoying it a lot!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Funny you ask, I'm about to get the Odyssea 18w. At the price I think it's worth a try.
For our light system, 48" canopy with 2-110w VHO and dual fan kit and built in ballast. 2-175w MH with dual Icecap ballast, moon lights, acrylic shield, reflector, and timers plus shipping all for $721 I didn't think it was a bad price at all. :happyfish


I ordered the 36" MH/CF light with moonlights from *Illegal Link*and love it. Nice equipment and unbeatable prices. It has two cords and three switches. That's the only drawback. Would definitely recommend, though.


i bought from them to they have real great prices but if you will need service from them you going to cry.


I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.I got a 280 watt system for 153.00 after shipping. That's awesome. It really lights my 20 Gallon reef up.


i have the Odyssea/jebco 192 watt they are junk i'v made 4 trips back to the store cause they stop working or the fans make a real loud buzzz that drives me crazy gont get them you will not be happy as soon as i get the money ill be looking for a new set


Active Member
They're junk.
I've been using my 48" 55wx4 since February, but have since taken the fixture apart and retrofitted it into my canopy to supplement MH.
When I first received the fixture I had to check all wires because the bulbs wouldn't fire. The bulbs are super crappy. So basically you can add another $30 to the purchase price of the PC model because you need better bulbs than what they provide. To top it off, the bulbs are 21" instead of the standard 22". Good luck finding a true actinic 03 bulb that will fit these fixtures.
I had two switches, one power cord, and no fan. Made it impossible to automatically simulate the dawn/dusk effect.
Then only good thing about the fixture was that it was oak colored, and matched my stand and tank.


wow, im getting diff opinions and dont know what to get. I might look around for other types. Anyone know a good one that isnt too expensive?
Thanks for all the help!!!


To clear things up, mine is an Odysea, not a Jebo. Mine runs super quiet, and it has two fans. What length/size/wattage are you looking for? I haven't had any experience with Jebo. Hope that helps.


I need a 36'. I need something strong enough for my BTA. Its the only one in my 58 gal tank right now but i wish to add more in the future.


Active Member
Jebo/Odyssea.....same thing ;)
There are different versions of each fixture depending on the Jebo/Odyssea name. They're the same company, though.
for a relatively inexpensive option you might look into VHOs.


Active Member
I have the odyssea 48" 260watt PC it has two fans and legs with 12k's and actinics and led only had one cord but adding two more is not that hard. I love mine and would buy another Odysea in a heartbeat, for a little less than half of the coralife


Originally Posted by blue20051
I need a 36'. I need something strong enough for my BTA. Its the only one in my 58 gal tank right now but i wish to add more in the future.

i have the: Odyssea 36" 192W Dual Strip Compact Fluorescent Light Fixture but they will not give strong output. more then that the fan realy cheap and get noisy so i disconnect them.
and the piece get so hot it's increase my temp in the tank to 90 i put 2 small fan on the top and hardly i'm getting 78.
here is the picrure


Active Member
If you're set on going with PC I would look at Current USA Satellite fixtures. Really nice. They're dropping in price, and are better all around.
48" 65wx4 PC fixture w/ lunar lights
You can expect to pay <$200 shipped for this fixture on the popular auction site.
Coralife makes a decent product too.
Coralife 48" 65wx4 Aqualight w/ lunar lights
Around $220 on the auction site
They way to go, IMO:
VHO retrokit w/ 2 ballasts, 2 power supplies, 4 end caps, 2 timers, and wiring. - $175 on the auction site. Add 4 bulbs for an additional $70.
Total VHO kit cost: $270 shipped. That's 110w x 4 (440 total watts)


orbits are really nice too, i've hear, but more expensive than the odyssea.
And the newer models of the jebo/odyssea have 3 chords and 3 switches, one for the actinics, one for the daylights, and one for the lunar lights. You just have to look extra hard for them, and make sure you ask any seller if it's the model with 3 chords.