Jen's Nano! Its Up! Yay!


Thanks eveyone.
It was a sad day in the Latini household today... Pete, my beta passed away last night. He lived a good life though and he will be missed greatly.

On some good news, Herman still lives. He's been cruising around the tank exploring his new home.
Ive been spending a lot of time in front of the tank checking out the LR and Ive noticed a few odd things... odd to me anyways.
1) I have what appears to be a stem (like a small branch) coming out of my LR that was broken or cut off. Ill try to get a pic. It is def. green and really looks like a stem of sorts.
2) Ive noticed small green "sprouts" on the large piece of LR. Doubtful Ill get any photos, just read my post in the Photo section. They look like, well.... sprouts. Not very tall. I have a larger one to the back. Im keeping my eyes on them.
3) Hydriods... I havent found any more lurking so I guess thats good. Im gonna take my rock out and see if I cant scrub them off.
4) Coralline, can stuff grow out from underneath it? Maybe it's damaged. Once again, Ill try to get a picture. Theres spots where it looks like it was damaged"?" And theres like a rusty colored "something" under it. In some cases, the rusty "something" appears to be growing out past the coralline.
Thats it for now...
Back to looking.



No moonlights yet budy, Im working on that. Clarkii had a DIY one that I want to try. Its in the DIY section if ya wanna check it out.


looking awesome Jen! it's the best gift i've ever given im just as excited to see what you do with it next as you are.
ps. poor pete he will be missed but he lived a great life and was cared for by a wonderfull person!


Yes, Excellent gift...
My NH3 dropped between 0.25 and 0.50. Trites are at 0.50 and trates are between 5 and 10.
And the wait continues...


the nano looks great. i like your aquascaping. cant wait to see more pics. seems like its cycling pretty fast. how is Herman doing?



Originally posted by DrummerBum
was it a marine beta or fresh water?

Fresh water, we found out he had a tumor. I guess theyre kinda common in betas. :(



Originally posted by evilss
the nano looks great. i like your aquascaping. cant wait to see more pics. seems like its cycling pretty fast. how is Herman doing?

Cycled wicked fast. NH3 is 0, NO2 is at 0 and NO3 is at 0-5.
Havent been able to find Herman. I havent even been able to find his shell so, ... I dunno.


well hopefully he is back behind or under something. i lose the 2 in got in my 29 all the time. maybe u will find him this weekend.



Originally posted by evilss
well hopefully he is back behind or under something. i lose the 2 in got in my 29 all the time. maybe u will find him this weekend.

Thank you, you jinxed me. I just turned on the tank lights and he's sitting on top of one of the LR! Wooot!!!
:jumping: :cheer:



Originally posted by prune_tang
What ya need to do is glue a small flashing light to his shell so you always know where he is

Sure, I could do that to all of my inverts. Each one gets a different color. Shut the lights off and Viola! Instant Nano Rave Party!


Active Member
ah man that got me laughing!!! i wanna set up a little .75 nano tank and have a blue leg hermit and a few pieces of live rock :D


Well I was gonna do a clown and a goby but I got a pair of clowns instead. Theyre so cute :D I also got a cleaner shrimp and I got a small single mushroom for free. Theyre acclimating right now and will go in the tank in about 40 mins!
:joy: :jumping: :happy: :cheer:


Active Member
lol sweet. i still cant get that rave party out of my head. i can imagine it so easily.. a bunch of neons lights and some techno music at night.
then u turn ur fish light on to see all ur hermits dancing around in a circle sacrificing ur clownfish to the bristleworm god.


Heres some shots. All of the whole takn shot were blurry so youll have to make do with crops. The two clowns, havent named em yet....