Jen's Nano! Its Up! Yay!



Originally posted by wocka
nice looking clowns, name the female Sabrina and the male Rusty.. :D

I was thinking Ed and Edna but, I think were gonna go with a mafia theme, excluding Sebastian. My cleaner shrimp is Francesco aka Frank The Cleaner, and the 6 Turbos well, you dont wanna know, lol.


Active Member
teehee! i just got 6 blue leg hermis and im putting there flash-light helmets right now..

i got 6 of them, one big one and the rest are his minions..
stuff in my tank that needs names :
maroon clown
2 cleaner shrimp
i decided to name my big hermit Boot Legged King, and the little ones The Boot Leggers :D



Originally posted by wocka
teehee! i just got 6 blue leg hermis and im putting there flash-light helmets right now..

i got 6 of them, one big one and the rest are his minions..
stuff in my tank that needs names :
maroon clown
2 cleaner shrimp
i decided to name my big hermit Boot Legged King, and the little ones The Boot Leggers :D

Too cute!
I didnt want to repost them in here so heres the gang...


The Nano looks great I can't wait until it is completely stocked you have got to be stoked! Congrats on a job well done!



what is this thing? Call me an idiot, but they have one at my LFS and i have always kinda been intreaged by it. Never took the time to figure out what it was tho, so solve my mystery? lol



Originally posted by zanoshano
what is this thing? Call me an idiot, but they have one at my LFS and i have always kinda been intreaged by it. Never took the time to figure out what it was tho, so solve my mystery? lol

Yep, theyre barnacles. Empty shells, that is. Ive had them sitting around and I thought they would look nice in the tank.


Active Member
Tank is lookin good- just a suggestion but get a bag of Chemi-Pure. I run mine in the first compartment. It is amazing. The water clarity is just sick!
Lasts at least a month in a nano