Jeremy's tank pictures


Active Member
I've seen other people do this and it seemed like a good idea so I am going to start a tread that I can update all my pictures on without always starting a new thread. So to start it off here are some night pictures of my tank and some other misc stuff.
1. Sun coral (lights off flash on)
2. Hammer coral (agian no lights, flash on)
3. My hermit (I've seen him called either a halloween hermit or electric orange hermit) and some mushrooms (no light and flash on)
4. Not sure what it is but it has been growing on my liverock for two years now (once again a night time picture)
5. And the misc picture will be what appeared to be some seastar that ended up dying as I was dipping some zoos of mine



Active Member
Two more for tonight
1. Another emerald crab pic, I've posted similar ones in other threads but why not one more, this guy has a ton of character
2. And some mushrooms



Active Member
That is a great shot of the sun coral. Looks very healthy. How often do you feed him?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
That is a great shot of the sun coral. Looks very healthy. How often do you feed him?
I am trying once a day for now using a cut off 2-litter bottle. I am kind of scared about keeping this guy healthy, I don't want to under feed him and have him die or over feed him and pollute my entire tank. It is an amazing coral but the care kind of scares me, we'll see how he does over the next few years..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I am trying once a day for now using a cut off 2-litter bottle. I am kind of scared about keeping this guy healthy, I don't want to under feed him and have him die or over feed him and pollute my entire tank. It is an amazing coral but the care kind of scares me, we'll see how he does over the next few years..
i heard someone takes car of theirs like this,
freez the food to the bottom of a container...
take out and filp the container over their suncoral and as it thaws it gets to the coral?
double check me here, but i think tht is what they did


Active Member
Yeah the 2-litter bottle trick seems to be the best for this guy, there are way to many polyps to try and feed each one individually.


Active Member
Here are todays pics, most of them have to do with my sun coral
1. Sun coral at the start of feeding, notice the two liter cap
2. Sun coral starting ot open as I am feeding it
3. Sun coral after feeding, unfortunately my cleaner shrimp came by and stole a lot of the food so many of the polyps closed up...
4. Two cliffhanger crabs climbing up the side of my tank, I have posted ones like this before but I am still amazed by their ability to hang on
5. Some of the corals on the left side of my tank



***) very nice, I tried a sun coral one time but I failed!
Your looks amazing, they take a lot of work to keep healthy. :cheer:

reef diver

Active Member
1 question, the bottle trick, so you cut off the bottom of the two liter, and place it top up over the coral, and pour the food through the place where the cap goes on? Its rather ingenious, I should try it with my anemone to keep El Cleaner Shrimp out. HMMMMMMM........ That looks like it works with lots of types of coral.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef Diver
1 question, the bottle trick, so you cut off the bottom of the two liter, and place it top up over the coral, and pour the food through the place where the cap goes on? Its rather ingenious, I should try it with my anemone to keep El Cleaner Shrimp out. HMMMMMMM........ That looks like it works with lots of types of coral.
Yeah, I imagine it would work for any coral that fits under the cover. One thing to consider is leaving the cover on long after it has eatten, I think I left it on for over half an hour and when I took it off my cleaner shrimp still managed to pull food out of some of the polyps.
My other idea for feeding is to buy a specimen container, and everyday pick the sun coral up, place it in the container and then feed it in the container, this way there aren't a ton of crabs and shrimp trying to find a way under the cap to steal food.


Active Member
Today's pictures are going to mostly be with just actincs since I am noticeing a slight buildup of red slime on my sand, probably do to overfeeding.. So I figure I will try to fight it off before it gets out of hand. The last picture will be of my 10 gal tank with my bi-color blenny.



Active Member
Originally Posted by rbrockm1
in the 3rd pic is that a halloween crab?
Yes and no. Some people refer to them as halloween crabs but its isn't the same as what it generally considered a halloween hermit crab. From what I understand it is just a different color morph of a hawaiian electric blue hermit. What is generally called a halloween hermit crab is mostly orange with spots and it can be more dangerous for a reef tank.


Active Member
Just two pictures tonight. Theme hermits, they often get a bad rap but I haven't had any problems except with blue legs. Although my newest hermit, a so called halloween hermit isn't that smart. Last night I found him crawling around my hammer coral and today I noticed his shell poking of from the middle of the hammer coral. He had stuck his shell so hard between the skeleton of the hammer coral I had to pry him out.
