Jeremy's tank pictures


Active Member
Well its been a boring two days staying home with all the snow and all so I've been spending alot of time with my tank. I was just looking at my hammer coral tonight and thought it looked extra glowy so I thought I'd try a picture.


Active Member
I wish I could get a better picture of this guy, he is an amazing looking hermit crab, and rather large too.


Active Member
I hope I am not boring you will all my pictures...
They are mostly of my sun coral because its the one I get the most comments about..



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I haven't gotten anything new but I noticed my gorgonian made a rare daytime opening without food today so I snapped a picture.


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Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I wish I could get a better picture of this guy, he is an amazing looking hermit crab, and rather large too.
Nice, C. elegans are some of my favorite hermits. Although I like the normal blue variant better, I did have a couple like yours:


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Nice, C. elegans are some of my favorite hermits. Although I like the normal blue variant better, I did have a couple like yours:

I wish I could find more locally but so far this is the only one I spotted, wasn't looking for one but it caught my eye. If I see a blue one I'll probably get it too..


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish3
one of the greatest tanks i ever seen whats in it fish wise
Wow, thanks for the compliment. I only have 4 fish in it now, A Yellow tang, blue damsel, and two clownfish. I used to have a royal gramma and a scooter blenny but they died unexpectedly a few months ago.


Active Member
Ok, two more for tonight, my two emerald crabs, I had a bad run of my emerald disappearing on me but these latest two have lived for several months now.



Active Member
Originally Posted by fefo23
What light do you have? The sun coral looks realy good, what food do you give him?
The light is by Current it is 2 96 watt pc's, one 7100k/10kK and one 03/6700k
I feed the sun coral cyclopeeze


Active Member
I got a better picture of my orange hermit crab, he was trying to climb up the back wall of my tank, didn't make it far dragging his golfball sized shell behind him.


Active Member
I'm sure you all are sick of seeing my pictures but I am bored. Tonight I was admireing my emerald crabs with the light off and happened to notice my orange striped hermit hanging onto coraline on the back wall of my tank. I've seen smaller hermit climb the cliff that is the back of my tank, however this guy is huge and I've only seen him try before, never succeed. Well he made it, so I snapped a few pictures which I'll post here. Shortly after this he fell all the way to the bottom of my tank. Poor guy, but I'll bet he'll be back up near the top again soon.



Active Member
Two new pictures. One of a relatively new ricordea I got, and the other is a beautiful torch I got in a trade, Thanks!
