Job Description.....Happy????????


I'm a firm believer in that you are what you do.......and this doesn't apply to you guys still in High School that just got your first job at Burger 1st job was installing pools at 15 yo, my second was at Burger no offense...... So, my question is, consider this a poll, are you happy with your job? Are you where you want to be? Are you happy with your life, unhappy with your life, based on your present job. What about your spouse? ( wrong question, I'm sure you don't know)
anywaysss, my point is, is that we are what we do. Most of us work a 40 hour a week or more. I've heard more times than once, "he,or she has no life". Well, let's break up a day in the 8-10 hours a day, personal time 2-4, sleep time 8 hours........sounds like to me your work is your life. Anywayaaays, what does everybody do for "a Living"????


Sorry, I disagree.
Your job is where you go to earn money to pay your bills.
It is not your life, nor is it who you are.
Just my opinion.


I'm not trying to insult anyone, nor am I trying to degrade anyone. How much time do you spend earning money???? Your life, since day one, is all about earning money. What is paying bills? Yes, Your job is where you go to earn money.What do you do?


Active Member
I would also have to disagree.
For the moment, I work for a LFS / Aquatic Maintenance company. I work an average of 50-55 hours a week. I am off work by 5pm each day and I normally go to bed about 11pm-12pm. (6-7 hours of "free" time each day) I make money....I pay bills with the money. This is my "work life". I'm happy with it. I'm not happy because it's just such a fun / stimulating thing to clean aquariums and deal with fish 50-55 hours a week. I'm happy because I have been able to bring my "Real Life" into my job.
My real life is God. Since I have a personal relationship with God, I'm able to enjoy doing the otherwise meaningless tasks that many people think of as "nasty" or "gross".
I have had several jobs that should have made me what my job was......photographer, salesman, manager, etc... But, I had never really found myself.
The truth of the matter is.....with God by my side now, all facets of my life are connected directly to Him. I can enjoy my work life, family life, etc.. all the same because they can all be a part of my God life. It's all for Him.
Soon I'm going to be going to school for Web Design and Theology. It will be a part of my "life" if you will but, It's all just part of my God life one way or another. Let us not forget who gave us this life in the first place.


Let's see...I spent 4.5 years in school to get a Bachelors degree in Computer Science. That was a waste of time. I am now a year away from my MBA. What am I doing this for???? Who knows...I guess I'm hoping that it will open up some more doors. In all honesty, I'm bored. I need something to keep me busy.
I sit at desk all day from 8:00 - 5:00 and stare at this stupid screen. Do I like my job??? YES. I am the only person here who knows how to do what I do, so I have great job security. I make way more money than I should, and I think God for that every day. But, do I like what I do? NO. I've been doing web design for almost 5 years now. I am bored to tears with it. Not to sound conceded, but it's not a challenge anymore. It's fun in the beginning when you're learning how to do it. I do it freelance as well for extra spending money. I have three sites I'm working on right now.
I remember when I was working at a race shop in high school saying, "I want a desk job". Now that I have it, I want a job outside doing something. I would love to do landscaping or something. I love working in my yard. There's nothing like the smell of fresh dirt and fresh air.
I'm 25 and I feel that I'm just going through life with no direction. I ask God every day, "what do you want me to do with my life?" I am just waiting to see what happens. :confused:



Originally posted by RyeBread
I would also have to disagree.
My real life is God. Since I have a personal relationship with God, I'm able to enjoy doing the otherwise meaningless tasks that many people think of as "nasty" or "gross".
The truth of the matter is.....with God by my side now, all facets of my life are connected directly to Him. I can enjoy my work life, family life, etc.. all the same because they can all be a part of my God life. It's all for Him.

Your awsome Rye!!! Ill have to second that!



Originally posted by belothsurf
I'm a firm believer in that you are what you do.......and this doesn't apply to you guys still in High School that just got your first job at Burger 1st job was installing pools at 15 yo, my second was at Burger no offense

I also have to disagree I don't feel my job expresses me at all. I answer phones. I have a bachelor's degree, I build computers and work on websites, I repair and tune cars, I have a great reef tank, and that's just for starters. Now if a job covers all of your abilities that may be true. But I am much more than my job. Time wise I spend about 60 hours at work a week. I spend probably 50 hours sleeping. The rest of the time I am doing kinds of different things. So I just have to disagree with the idea that a job is who you are.


Active Member
Very well said Rye-
I actually have always thought, you should do what you love to do and the money will not matter as much. I spent my whole life working with animals and all I ever wanted to do was work at the zoo. So I did, for five years I worked at a job I loved, there were ups and downs but in all I loved going to work everyday, but the money was bad, really bad, but the thing about money is, the more you have the more you spend, you just learn to be happy with what you have.
I am now a SAHM, this is the toughest job in the world, not only physically but mentally, don't get me wrong, I LOVE being able to stay home with my children and even if working would be profitable for us, I wouldn't do it. The job of a SAHM is not rewarding most of the time, it is very monotonous (you clean, you feed, you clean, you do laundry, you feed, you clean). Everyday it is the same, and there are no awards, no one to tell you that you have done a fantastic job (except your husband and sometimes they are not so good at that). But it is all worth it to know that my children are being taught by me and raised by me and I know that they are being raised according to the Bible and I try every day to be the mother God wants me to be. All you husbands out there should bring home some flowers to your wives tonight!


Well you asked what we do so, i'm a landscaper. I work 13 hrs a day 6 days a week, i go to the gym three nights a week and i love every minute of every day that i'm on this earth. Plus, i'm outside everyday. i love my job and love being outside everyday!!!!

P.S.-plus i make my wife jealous because i have a better tan!!!!


Active Member
fish- that makes me think of my husband, he worked at an underground cable company for a while, He had a fantastic tan, until he took his shirt off lol. Looked like he was wearing a shirt even when he wasn't.


It is so nice to see someone else that isn't ashamed to tell people of their love for the Lord.
You are not only an inspiration to me as a saltwater newbie, but also a great role model for all Christians.


"""""ohhhhmmmmmm """""""".........
Sorry, didn't mean to turn this into a "religous" thing. There are a lot of things I'm not ashamed to turn this into, but the last thing I will do is turn this into a religious thing. Anyway, asta la viesta, ZEALOTS.........



Originally posted by aarone
belo you got shot down sucka!

Such is youth! I'm only curious as to see what kind of lives people are leading, who I am talking too, what do we do. Do you have a problem with that.....or do you have a better question??????????:D


Active Member

Originally posted by belothsurf
I'm only curious as to see what kind of lives people are leading, who I am talking too, what do we do.

I thought that's what I posted......the type of life I'm leading. I tried to let you know who you were talking to as well. Just for the record...I'm not a Religious person at all....just a spiritual one. Have a good day....I'm sorry if I spoiled your thread, I didn't mean too. :)


No, sorry Rye, my comment was a bit harsh, I was tired and already frustrated, and I didn't word it right. My original question wasn't worded right either, so that added to the frustration. But, anyway, I just think religion and politics should be left out of most conversations, unless it is invited. I was just trying to spark a conversation about someone's occupation/career and the impact it has on their daily life, good or bad. I know my job certainly affects, and reflects who I am. I just wanted to know if that were the same for everybody else, or does it really matter to them. That's all.:)


Active Member
Hmmm I just took a new job to leave a job I hated working for a company that I used to like but watched it slip into the depths of dilbertdom.
Work defines a portion of who you are - not your whole life! Just like a fish tank defines a portion of your life.
I now work in a new city and I am awaiting the rest of the family.
So job - IT - doing work with assets and databases. Education - master's degree in teaching (will one day return when I don't need the money as much). Passions - wife, kids, tanks and computers. Religion and politics - well read some other threads and you'll find out ....