tru conch

Active Member
as of right now i am a full time student working on my BA in english (eventually i want to be a writer) as for income, i work as a teacher's assistant at the college and i work for a dive shop on the weekends as a dive master. once done with school im looking to join the miami dade firefighters... oh yeah uncle sam gives me a nice chunk of change every month for the montogomery gi bill.
firefighter/emt at a busy engine co. wife tries to keep up w/ 5 kids. just got back from the e/r (3-7 am) w/ our 19 mo.old boy with the asthma attack <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> (this is only supposed to happen at work! <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" /> :cool: )


Recently laid off from a Start-Up Internet company (ISP)... but I was a Network Engineer.
I'm enjoying some much deserved time off and also organizing my thoughts on starting my own business :D


New Member
I'm working on my PhD - almost there, can't wait to finish and get a "real job"! Although saying that I'll probably stay with academics, do a post-doc - be a real geek!
My research is on stallion sperm, trying to prolong the life and improve the quality of sperm following cryopreservation. I get to work with horses so I enjoy it.
Ideally I'd like to have my own stud farm and breed horses.... one day! It keeps me motivated.


I spent 28 with a major insurance firm in many different middle management positions. The last three yesrs I commuted 1 1/2 hours each way to work. To thank me, and many of the other "experienced" managers, the company let us go.
Since then I've been happily working 4 miles from my house at a job with no pressure working as a hardware/software technican. Allows me lots of time to read these posts, learn about Sw and spend on my tank. Life is good.


spring to fall i work on the groundscrew for the golfcourse that is right in front of our house, and in the winter i rebuild wrecked cars. for all the environmentalists on the board i do wlak or ride my bike to work at the golf course.


I am a Real Estate Portfoilio Manager. Love the job, but hate being on call 24/7. I could also use some more money, I need more tanks.


Active Member
I am a process chemist for Phillips Pertroleum ( soon to be Conoco-Phillips )


i am currently studying computer sciences and plan on going into website design and visual C
but right now i work at "jack aquarium and pets" (where BTW i get 50% off all tanks, equiptment, fish and LR) hehe, not to make you all jealous or anything :)


I am a Gulf War Veteran who mostly lives on disability (for now). I also work half-time for the City of Tucson's Transportation Engineering Department. Although I'm a lowly customer service/clerical person - I enjoy it. Also, I've had my share of education and prefer being lower on the totem pole. I'm way to poor for this hobby though. But I love it.


I run an internet business with a friend of mine selling coins and coin supplies. We have been at for about 2+ years, and I have the luxury of working at home for the most part. The economy has really put a damper on sales. Wages leaves alot to be desired, just ask my wife. I also do some web page design, mainly for e-commerce sites and a little programming. I used to have a computer shop a while back, but it really did not work out to well, bad location, etc. Prior to that I was a machinist.
I really want to be a farmer, a coral farmer that is. I am trying to learn all I can about coral propogation. I have been playing around with saltwater off and on for over 30+ years. With 7 children, not much funds left over for the hobby, not to mention the business. Thank goodness for my business partner.