

Active Member

Originally posted by RyeBread
No kawinkidink there Debi. It is actually pretty funny stuff........I have now hired two members of at my camera store.......wierd stuff I tell ya.
I run a photo store in Cincy and shoot weddings, portraits, fish, etc... on the side. :)

Ryan - did I ever tell you I grew up in a darkroom? My grandparents, Dad and Uncle are all photographers. I may not be that great with the digital but I have lots of experience the old fashioned way with a mamiya. I used to shoot weddings and portraits a lot. We did the yearbooks for several universities. We still have a photography lab for color and an awesome old fashioned black and white lab. My sis and I are thinking about going back into weddings as a side job. Wedding photos are so expensive and we've got an idea for flat fee type of package where we actually give the film to them. (shhh, such a no-no in the photography world)


Active Member
I give the film to every customer......except the ones that I shoot digital for. ;)
I knew you had something that strangely attracted me to I know. Mamiya, Bronica, and Pentax are all cameras that I use on a weekly basis in this biz.....I hate shooting weddings. :eek:


Active Member
OP.... that's the coolest job. That is awesome. That now explains your mass of knowledge about starfish more. It was a mystery to me how you knew so much about them.
And hey, islandgirl... are you perchance a graphic designer for a news or television group?


In my past life I was a Claim Division Manager for a major Group Insurance carrier.
My current job is computer technician for a pharmacutical firm......repairing the laptops of the sales force thorughout North America. (Provides lots of opportunity to participate on this Board!!:D )


Active Member

Originally posted by HairTrigger
OP.... that's the coolest job. That is awesome. That now explains your mass of knowledge about starfish more. It was a mystery to me how you knew so much about them.

Actually, the starfish knowledge is from 11 years studying brittlestars, 8 of those in grad school :D The folks at work don't think it a mystery (with regard to my obvious seastar issues) , they just think I am quite strange, which is on the money. :)


I am a Marine stationed at Quantico Va but heading to Camp Pendelton California


I am the pastor of Plainview Bible Church. It is great to see the kids in our church come over to our house and ooh and ahh over the tank. It is a great time to teach them about God's creation!


I work for a local telephone company /ISP in charge of
Internet Programming
Our external websites
Our IVR (when you call in to an automated phone saying "press 1 for xxx press 2 for yyyy")
and a bunch of other stuff.
-Do youo work at the new downtown aquarium? I took my son there not too long ago and loved it!