John's New Tank Diary.......

Never frag your sps! Let them grow. Your tank has alot of potential. Your growth is amazing (9/3 to 9/15 WOW). I would love to see your system in person. Camera's never represent the true colors.


Trust me everytime I look at a pitcure, i cringe to see the colors not truely represented....
U don't plan on fragging anything. I'm actually very happy and inpatient to see how this turns out.


Time for an Update. Last week was a very sad week for me. I lost my Red Sea Regal Angel. He lasted 2 months. was eating fine. And I guess it just decided that its time to go. I don't know what else to say but RIP.
Its pretty funny actually, the day my Angel died another Red Sea Regal at the LFS died too.
But anyway, I will try the Red Sea Regal again, at a later time. Most probably when I get the next bigger tank.
Here are my Test Results:
Temp - 77.9-79.1
PH - 8.3 (Salifert)
Ammonia - 0 (API)
Nitrite - 0 (API)
Nitrate - 2.5 (Salifert)
Calcium - 432 (Tropic Marin)
Alk/dKH - 8.0 (Salifert)
Phosphates - 0 (Salifert)
Iodide - 0.03 (Salifert)
Magnesium - 1540 (Red Sea)
Specific Gravity - 1.025 (Red Sea)
Everything is pretty much very stable. I am having an outbreak of Cyano (Red Slime) but right now who isn't.
Here are some new additions:
Red People Eaters (Thanks Jesse)

Original Tyree Purple Monster - Can actually trace back to Steve Tyree

Vanuatu Acropora

Blue Tip Tenius

Unidentified Acropora

Unidentified Acropora

Acropora Pulchra


Some More Eye Candy.....
Original Oregon Blue Tort

ORA Marshall Islands Bottle Bush

Monti Zoa Combo

Ric Farm

Tubs Blue Zoas


Growth Pics
ORA Pink Birdsnest (10/12/07)

ORA Pink Birdsnest (10/29/07)

Bali Tri-Color (10/8/07)

Bali Tri-Color (10/29/07)
Originally Posted by Coolguy818
These 2 frags wre browned out, and where just starting to show signs of color.

And the other

Hot pink Zoos

Tank is beautimous! I want some of your stuffs!
Esp those hot pink things.
You collection of name brands is amazing! I'm sorry for being dumb but could you please give a tank description. Is there anything you still have on your wish list?


The tank is a 70g tall, 36x24x21. 2x250w MH SE Reeflux 10k, Coralvue dimmable Ballasts, 2x39w T5 HO Individual Reflectors. 2xSeio 1500 Powerheads, Seio Controller, ASM G2 Skimmer (Mesh Mod, Sedra 5000 Pump). Phosphate Reactor, Carbon Reactor, total turnover 70x. JBJ 1/4Hp Chiller. 110lbs LR, 120lbs LS. Mostly SPS Reef, with Zoanthids and Rics and a couple Acans.
There is actually a few pieces I'm still trying to get:
GARF Purple Bonsai
Tyree Watermelon Chalice (Already ordered)
8"-10" Squamosa Clam
Superman Monti (Mine died didn't like the lighting)
I guess thats on the immediate wish list, but if something comes along I have to have.... I'll get that too.
Thanks alot for all the positive comments.


whats the average price of those frags you buy?
how big are they? 2-3 inches?

ledzep fan

Active Member
What kind of pumps do you have for water cirrculation? I can't decide what type of pumps I should look into buying. I'm also devoting my tank to SPS. Beautiful tank by the way!


Originally Posted by Jesses89
whats the average price of those frags you buy?
how big are they? 2-3 inches?
The cheapest Frag i've bought was $25. The most expensive $240.
But in my opinion the most expensive per inch is the Purple Monster. $150 for a 1/4 inch frag.


Originally Posted by LedZep fan
What kind of pumps do you have for water cirrculation? I can't decide what type of pumps I should look into buying. I'm also devoting my tank to SPS. Beautiful tank by the way!

Inside the tank I have Seio 1500's with the Controller. I also have 2 Maxi-Jet 1200's behind the rock-work to circulate any detrius that would build up.
On top of both of those my return lines pump about 1300gph they are a LifeGard 3000 and a Rio 12HF.
Thanks for stopping by.........


Wow your tank is super stocked with rare pieces. Pretty nice set up. Tho, I am a bit confused why you went with a DSB for an SPS display. Not to disrespect or anything, but dude you really need to borrow someones camera or hold off on your next 3 frags or so and purchase one. Your pics do your tank and your corals no justice at all. Nice tank and crazy variety of rarer SPS. Can't wait to see them grow out.

Any reason why you left so many frags on there plugs? I snap all my sps(that can be) at the base right off the plug and super glue them to a piece of rock rubble. Looks much more natural and havent had a problem doing this yet. I do it right when i get home from LFS before they even hit the display.
NIce tank!


Originally Posted by myzislow
Wow your tank is super stocked with rare pieces. Pretty nice set up. Tho, I am a bit confused why you went with a DSB for an SPS display. Not to disrespect or anything, but dude you really need to borrow someones camera or hold off on your next 3 frags or so and purchase one. Your pics do your tank and your corals no justice at all. Nice tank and crazy variety of rarer SPS. Can't wait to see them grow out.

Any reason why you left so many frags on there plugs? I snap all my sps(that can be) at the base right off the plug and super glue them to a piece of rock rubble. Looks much more natural and havent had a problem doing this yet. I do it right when i get home from LFS before they even hit the display.
NIce tank!
I went with a DSB, because at the time I didn't know better. The LFS Manager who helped to setup the tank told me you need LS, and lots of it. Now I look back and regret it. I could have had much more flow, and not just on the top of the tank.
I keep them on plugs cause just like everyone else, i'm beginning to plan a tank upgrade. Makes it easier to move. In the next tank, I will be gluing them straight to the rocks, or drilling the rocks so that the plug fits perfectly and then encrusts itself to the rock. Haven't decided that yet.
Thanks for the comments.


My Wife is buying the Camera for a christmas present..... So i'm patient for that. But after christmas watch out. The Pics are going to be insane.