John's New Tank Diary.......


Some new additions......
ORA German Blue Polyp Acropora (MH + T5)

ORA Chipp's Blue-Green Acropora (MH + T5)

Blue Crocea Clam (MH + T5)

White with Blue Tip Derasa Clam (MH + T5)

My Purple Tang Healing from HLLE


And some more.....
Acan Macro Shot (MH + T5)

Emerald Crab Macro

Quick Shot of my new Red Sea Regal Angel

And a Full Tank Shot (MH + T5)


Two new additions to the mix.
Blue Flasher Wrasse (Blenny got jealous)

ORA Tri-Color Valida Staghorn (MH + T5)

Best shot I could get, but the tips are flaming purple.


I was pretty bored today..... So I decided to go out and spend some money... ASM G2 Protein Skimmer........!!!
And some new additions..........
First the Skimmer

Pokerstar Encrusting Montipora (MH + T5) bad pic...

ORA Bottlebrush Acropora (MH + T5)

Acropora Caroliniana (MH + T5)


It has been a long time since I have posted an update to my thread. There have been some major changes, Lighting, Skimmer, Chiller, Phos Reactor.
I upgraded my lighting to 2x250w SE MH Reeflux 10k Bulbs running on Coralvue Dimmable Ballasts. Also changed out my T5's for Actinics. Upgraded my Skimmer by installing a Mesh Mod, and changing the pump out for a Sedra 5000.
I have to empty the Skimmate every day.
Had a Temp issue after istalling the Lighting, so I had to fo back to the LFS and buy a JBJ Arctica 1/4HP Chiller.
Then after testing my PO4 i found out that I had .05 Phosphates in my tank........... Ran to the LFS and purchased a PhosReactor and Rowa-Phos Media.
Now the Corals I have added many!!!
Now this is very Pic Intense........ Here we go.
Hot Pink Center Acan Lord

Montipora Setosa

Tubs Blue Zoanthids

ORA Rose Millipora

Original Oregon Blue Tort

ORA Pink Birdsnest


And More.....
ORA Australian Delicate Acropora

FragFarmer LE Pink Lemonade

ORA Scripps Pink Millipora

ORA Roscoes Blue Acropora

LE Sunset Montipora

Montipora Undata


And More........
ORA German Blue Polyp Acropora

Robbie Margolis Special Edition

ORA Marshall Islands BottleBush

ORA Blue Green Tortusa

LE Idaho Grape Montipora

Blue Tort


And More........
Purple Haze Montipora

Fire Engine Montipora

Vivid Blue Tort

ORA Fuzzy Yellow/Green Acropora

Pokerstar Montipora

BALI Tri-Color


And More........
Superman Montipora (Recovering)

Pink Pociliipora

Unidentified SPS

Unidentified SPS

Green Monti Cap

Hot Zoanthid