Just A Thought


Yes I put 50 lbs inthere new and then I have around 30 or 40 ilbs in my 55 that I will put in there also I have 60lbs of base rock that I'm puting in there.


Well I put my base rock in here is a pic of it now, I still need to do some adjusting. and the water is back cloudy again.


Are you running the water through you sump/refugium?
if not are you cycling it seperately? Because that needs to get cycled too. So you might as well just turn everything on and let the shrimp cycle both tank and refugium.


well I'll be fixing the leak problem tomorrow on the overflow box to get it running. I have the refugium full of water and the skimmer running at the momment. I have a couple of small peices of live rock in the refugium. I was surprised to see that the skimmer is actual pulling scumm out of clean water or maybee the sand particals and stuff from the rock is what its geting out but it is working well. I will get it cycling tomorrow.i did a ammonia test today and it showed a .25, so it is starting to cycle. What should I see next. Ireally high ammomia spike or what.



Originally posted by NITRAM
A really high ammomia spike or what.

:yes: then a really high nitrite spike, then a nitrate


If you run the sump now most of the cloudiness will settle in the sump, and then you can suck it out of the sump. I often will use a turkey baster to stir up the detritus in the show tank and allow it to settle in my sump and then do the water change from my sump. It also helps when first establishing your tank to use a siphon to clean the top layer of sand as that is where most of the detritus (or in this case the really small particles of sand) will settle. As far as your question as to whether it will cloud any time you stir the sand the answer is no. What you are seeing is very small particles. Before I put my sand in, I rinsed it in a 5 gal bucket for about a half hour to get rid of this stuff. But it is too late now, if it makes you feel any better my first tank was rushed and took me several days to clear. HOB filters aren't a bad Idea. I hoped this helped.


well I got my leak taken care of and got my refugium running and skimmer and I can just tell you that my show tank has gotten beatifully clean, no m,ore cloudyness i'm so happy.
the only question is my skimmer is running over time it is filling the holding tank with water in like 3 hrs, I dont know if its supose to do this or not. is my foam to airated or is it doing what its supose to do.