Congratulations on your ray. Unfortunately I do have to agree with the other posters in that you should not have a ray in a tank with crushed coral substrate. The ray appears to be a yellow or Cali ray to me. You probably want to get a definitive answer because if it is a Cali ray then you'll want to keep your aquarium temperature a bit cooler than the average tank (about 70-74 degrees). If you post some more pics then you may get a better answer.
Can you let us know how big the tank is and what tankmates you have or plan with this ray? Also, can I see a full tank shot? Hopefully, if you can work out the kinks, you can keep this one healthy for a loong time.
IMO, one of the coolest fish in the aquarium trade. And if done right, an animal that can thrive in the right aquarium. Congrats.