Just introducing myself.


I have a small tank that I have started about five months ago, (live rock, no fish or anything but plants so far) and will be creating a larger tank sometime after my carpet is removed and a different flooring put down. It's about 125 gallongs I believe, and has been sitting waiting for me to do something for awhile. Now that I've found some online help, I should be starting it sometime in the next few months. I currently have a couple of trips scheduled, and won't start the big tank until travel is done. I am new to this hobby and will be doing a lot of reading to get up to snuff before posting too much. Just wanted to say hi, and make myself known. I seem to have a problem with nitrite level in the small tank, (bought used and they had killed several fish in it by unplugging filter, and heater) it has been several months now.
I did empty most of the tank and rinse it several times before adding the purified water. I added additional substrate, and new filters, and live rock after about a month and half or two. The tank is growing green plants and seems to be mostly clear and nice looking. Have had some green/brown growing stuff, but can wipe that off. Maybe fish, etc, would clean that up.
I have taken several readings, done water exchanges(filtered tap through a deionizer made for this sort of stuff. My reading is still a tad high. I hesitate to put fish in the tank. Can something else live be put in, to help get the tank environment cycling properly? I also want to know if there is a better way to test than trying to match color readings. It's hard to tell the difference between the greens and green yellow on my test strip paper, and the vial of colored water.
Any advise you can give to a newby is appreciated!


Active Member

I know that gettign started can be overwhelming with all the info out there, so don't be discouraged. Even us advanced to experts have lots to learn!


I am wanting to be able to enjoy my tanks and eventually fish,and feel like it's not a burden to have to keep up the tanks, and all. That's why i've gone slow, learning and reading books, etc. Still need lots of info and am trying to make time to get it all together. I have a ton of supplies from the auction, and other tank owner. They sold it all pretty cheap, now I have to sort good from bad, etc. I do need to replace some hoses for the big tank. I plan on hiring someone who knows a little about putting it together to get started. That should help some. Thanks for the replies, I will be back to read more after I get some work done today.

bang guy

Welcome! :cheer: :jumping: :cheer:
Asking questions before plunging in is a great start to a wonderful hobby.
Nitrite is pretty much harmless to fish but it does indicate that the tank is struggling. It could also be a false positive if your test kit is too old. What brand is it?
How much water circulation does the tank have?
What would you like the tank to eventually look like? Fish only, corals, etc.
If it were me I'd probably hold off until the big tank is in place unless you plan on keeping both tanks.


Welcome!! :cheer:
Hope you enjoy the boards as much as I do, everyone around here is always willing to help out and offer advice or support. Once again, welcome. :jumping:


Active Member
This board is amazing and you will find alot of help and opinions along the way. Take the time to read as many posts as you can and search for the ones pertaining to your needs. Good luck to you in this facinating hobby, and take your time.


I am going to take my time. I bought the big tank over a year and half ago, but my life was too busy to be able to read up much on saltwater tanks then. I have a smaller tank, that will be used as a backup tank in case I need to separate anything out of the big tank. Or will maybe use it to keep smaller fish. Just trying to find the perfect spot for them, and get the other started.
As for the nitrite question, it's a new kit, one that I picked up in hobby store. I've consistantly gotten the slight reading from the very start. Is there any other type of test that doesn't rely just on matching two colors to take the reading? I follow the instructions to the letter. Same reading every time. Also am due for a water change, and will clean the sand/gravel with a suction thingy. Partial water change again, then will see where we are at. Again. :happyfish

bang guy

When you make more saltwater for your waterchange test it for Nitrite before using it. That way you can see if you're getting a false positive. Aquarium

test kits are noted for giving false positives if that's the type of kit you're using.
To tell the truth, I don't see much purpose in testing Nitrite.
Keep your smaller tank for use as a quaranteen/hospital tank. Quaranteening your fish for a few weeks before adding them to your display tank will keep fish diseases out of your system.


When I first found this site, I would sit and read for hours. I learned so much. It's a great hobby now that I know what I'm doing.
Again, Welcome


I know this is immature but this board was below "touching my corals" and I mixed them up to "Just touching myself" xD
Welcome, though