Just quit smoking!


well title is kind of self explanatory. I am making my 4th serious attempt to quit. I recently as in last couple of weeks started to cough alot more and just general crappy feeling which is the reason for my final attempt. I also am signed up for scuba classes starting in August and want to be in better health/cardio fitness by then. I feel good about it now but tomorrow morning may be a different story
I also have a ton of work to do and cigarettes have been there to calm me down so thats gonna be tough also. Usually when I set my mind to something I go all in but quiting this time is really going to test my willpower and I'm not very confident in myself about being able to control urges. Oh well just sharing, I'm sure there are other smokers/former smokers that know what I'm talking about.


yea I actually tried that a month or two when the doctor mentioned it but I had somepretty bad side effects with nasuea all day long. I would actually throw up/dry heave after taking it in the morning andthat was after eating so I stopped taking it.


Thank you for the motivation but I'm sorry to hear that about your Dad. My girlfriend's Dad was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and he is in his mid 50's Its a pretty scary thought. We have been together now about 5 years so it hit home pretty hard with me also b/c I have known him now for a pretty long time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bs21
Thank you for the motivation but I'm sorry to hear that about your Dad. My girlfriend's Dad was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and he is in his mid 50's Its a pretty scary thought. We have been together now about 5 years so it hit home pretty hard with me also b/c I have known him now for a pretty long time.
I was 21 when he died and was just getting to know him as a friend rather than just dad. It was pretty hard on me when he died. Now I use it to help convince others. My kids grew up not knowing their grandad. I loved my old man, but it was pretty selfish of him to take that relationship away from his grandkids just because of the need to smoke. I wish you the best in your endeavor. Tell your G/F to make the most of her time with her dad. If he dies, she'll be glad she did. If he survives, she will still be glad she did.


I dont smoke,( im actually VERY allergic to cigarette smoke)but congrats on the good decision!!!


Good 4 you !!! It is one of the hardest things I have done... those

in the tobacco industry have really added alot of junk to keep you hooked. Its absolutely criminal....I used physical activity and alot of gum chewing to get through all of the urges and cravings. Just remember that the more time that passes the easier it is... and accept the fact that you can never have "just one". Ever again. It has been five years this march for me. Good luck!


Thanks guys so far so good.....well not so much good because my girlfriend says I'm being pissy but I haven't smoked. I have been trying to stay really busy so I don't think about a cigarette but do have alot of work to do for school and its been tough not takin a break for a smoke but oh well.


Active Member
my dad smokes and had a massive heart attack....he luckily has wonderful doctors and he was able to survive with little to no damage to his brain or anything like that....yet he still wont quit...i dont get it im getting really PO's about it to...cuz of socal57 story...i just read it to him so mby itll give him a push...and another thing he quit for like 5months and then when my parents were divorced he started again..AHHH


Active Member
I smoked for about 18 years and about the last 2 years of it got up to about 3 packs a day. the one day I really felt like cr*p threw the pack i had in the trash got some regular gum and went to town. It worked great for about a year and my Dumb A** got really stressed out and went back to it so now im trying again so far 2 days. lets see what happens


good luck. I know I have been pretty short tempered today and have had cigarette on the brain and I don't think i'm ever going to be able to stand cinamon anymore from all the gum ive chewed.


I just quite chewing three days ago. My fiance brought me home this chew thats made out of tea leaves and stuff that is all natural and it has no nicotine or tobacco in it. So every time I get the craving I just take a dip of it instead, its working ok. It just doesn't have the taste of good ol Copenhagen, but I think its gonna work. I too have the short/bad temper, and a few bad headaches from not having the nicotine. But I wish every one the best of luck on quiting.



It's been about 3 years for me. I used to put twizzlers in the fridge to make them harder and chew on them when I got a craving. Every great once in a while I start wanting one and then I smell someone that smokes and I change my mind. The smell never bothered me before, but now it makes me sick.


Active Member

Originally Posted by AGENT-X
It's been about 3 years for me. I used to put twizzlers in the fridge to make them harder and chew on them when I got a craving. Every great once in a while I start wanting one and then I smell someone that smokes and I change my mind. The smell never bothered me before, but now it makes me sick

I didn't notice it when I was young. Maybe because my dad smoked. Now it makes me gag.